Rent Fred Kelsey films

Here is collection of Fred Kelsey films we carry in our extensive library of over 100,000 titles. Rent new releases as well as back catalogue of Fred Kelsey films on DVD and Blu-ray with our no obligation Free Trial offer.

Fred Kelsey filmography

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Fred Kelsey as actor

1959 Westbound
Not released
1958 The Buccaneer
Not released
1956 Serenade
Not released
1954 Mr. and Mrs. North
Not released
1951 Captain Video
Not released
1949 Flamingo Road
Not released
1949 Look for the Silver Lining
Not released
1948 Whiplash
Not released
1946 A Stolen Life
Not released
1945 Pride of the Marines
Not released
1945 Christmas in Connecticut
Not released
1945 Incendiary Blonde
Not released
1945 Saratoga Trunk
Not released
1945 San Antonio
1944 The Adventures of Mark Twain
Not released
1943 Thank Your Lucky Stars
Not released
1943 Action in the North Atlantic
Not released
1943 Riding High
Not released
1942 Yankee Doodle Dandy
Not released
1942 The Man Who Came to Dinner
Not released
1942 Kings Row
Not released
1942 Gentleman Jim
Not released
1942 George Washington Slept Here
Not released
1941 One Foot in Heaven
Not released
1941 Blues in the Night
Not released
1933 King of the Jungle
Not released
1928 A Woman of Affairs
Not released
1927 The Patent Leather Kid
Not released
1923 Souls for Sale
Not released

Fred Kelsey co-stared ...