Rent Jean-Louis Trintignant films

Here is collection of Jean-Louis Trintignant films we carry in our extensive library of over 100,000 titles. Rent new releases as well as back catalogue of Jean-Louis Trintignant films on DVD and Blu-ray with our no obligation Free Trial offer.

Jean-Louis Trintignant filmography

Sort: Year Film Rating

Jean-Louis Trintignant as actor

2019 The Best Years of a Life
Not released
2012 Amour
2007 Chacun Son Cinéma
Not released
1991 Merci La Vie
1982 Le Grand Pardon
Not released
1981 Eaux Profondes
Not released
1980 The Terrace
Not released
1976 The Desert of the Tatars
Not released
1974 Violins at the Ball
Not released
1970 The Crook
Not released
1969 Z
Not released
1969 Crime Thief
Not released
1966 A Man and a Woman
Not released
1965 Sleeping Car Murder
Not released
1964 Inferno
Not released
1960 Austerlitz
1955 Race for Life
Not released

Jean-Louis Trintignant voice

Jean-Louis Trintignant as narrator

2024 The Most Precious of Cargoes
Not released

Jean-Louis Trintignant also participated in

1969 Z
Not released

Jean-Louis Trintignant co-stared ...