Anime & Animation films

In our Japanese Animated Movies and Anime section, you’ll find an exciting list of anime action movies, which we believe are the best ever. Some call it “Animation Domination”. Anime action films have taken the world of entertainment by storm, with new technology producing more and more top-notch digital films. Check out our awesome anime and animation films category, where you’ll find everything from children’s films like Frozen to more adult movies such as Avatar.

About Animation Movies

These days, “anime” is more popular than ever, with television series and movies reaching broader viewers and receiving lots of praise. The often conventionally hand-drawn or computer animation movies continue to enthral movies lovers of all ages. Rest assured, you’ll find some really good animated movies right here!

Best Animated Movies for Adults and Children

When it comes to animation movies, The Lion King really takes the biscuit, as does Makotoi Shinkai’s Your Name, whilst the best animated movies of 2020 are Frozen 2, Trolls World Tour and Abominable to name just a few.

Most Popular Anime in Japan

Want to watch anime films? You’re in the right place. Anime is one of those art forms that are fairly new, with only about half a century behind it. But during that half-century, Japanese animation has created so much excellence, hard to be ignored by any devoted fan of the genre. We’ve pulled together a list of classic top anime movies you need to watch before you can be dubbed a serious fan!

Best Japanese Animated Movies

If Walt Disney is the godfather of animation in the U.S., Tezuka is his equal in Japan. Here’s our list of the best Japanese anime films…

1.) Spirited Away

Directors: Hayao Miyazaki

Voiced By: Daveigh Chase, Suzanne Pleshette, Miyu Irino et al.

Runtime: DVD: 120 min., Blu-ray: 124 min.

2.) Akira

Actors: Nozomu Sasaki, Mami Koyama

Directors: Katsuhiro Ôtomo

Voiced By: Nozomu Sasaki, Mami Koyama, Mitsuo Iwata et al.

Runtime: DVD: 310 min., Blu-ray: 119 min.

3.) Ponyo

Actors: Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, Liam Neeson

Directors: Hayao Miyazaki

Voiced By: Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, Liam Neeson

Runtime: DVD: 103 min; Blu-ray: 103 min

4.) Paprika

Actors: Megumi Hayashibara, Toru Emori, Katsunosuke Hori

Directors: Satoshi Kon

Voiced By: Megumi Hayashibara, Tôru Emori, Katsunosuke Hori et al.

Runtime: DVD: 87 min., Blu-ray: 130 min.

5.) Princess Mononoke

Directors: Hayao Miyazaki

Voiced By: Yôji Matsuda, Yuriko Ishida, Yûko Tanaka et al.

Runtime: DVD: 134 min., Blu-ray: 134 min.

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