
Rent all the best classic movies from Cinema Paradiso! Seeking a good old movie to watch? We have a massive selection of the highest-rated classic film titles that are presented to rent right here. Whether you’re up for romance, comedy, drama—or anything in between—there are some really great film classics you just have to see.

Classic Movies to Watch Before You Die

Classic film has really stood the test of time. In fact, it takes us back nearly 40 years, from the end of the silent era to the last "golden age of cinema," the thrilling mid-1970s. From comedies, to tearjerkers, to musicals, and classics, we’re sure you’ll have seen Citizen Kane (1941), the complex study of the life of a newspaper mogul. Or how many times have you seen The Shawshank Redemption, one of the best classic American films? Then there’s possibly the most influential thriller ever made, Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho – the tale of a psychotic mama’s boy. And don’t miss Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino’s stylish cult classic about low-life criminals, lovers and thugs.

Classic 80s Movies

When it comes to great old films from the 80s, Raging Bull really takes the cake. The primeval black-and white drama tells the story of an ageing boxer (Robert De Niro). Martin Scorsese’s 1980 flick is one of the best of its decade. If you’re a horror buff, then The Shining is a clear winner, deserving of a place in the old classic movies list. Although it diverged quite substantially from Stephen King's earliest novel, Stanley Kubrick's frightening story of a haunted hotel is often referred to as one of the best (and scariest!) movies of the 80s.

Classic Movies of the 90s

The 70s was a period of revolutionary ingenuity, the 80s saw the arrival of the blockbuster, then the 90s brought a bit of both. The result? A beautiful blend of big-budget chartbusters, and original, imaginative offbeat sensations. Good old classic films from the 90s include Goodfellas, the gangster movie featuring Liotta, De Niro and Pesci who depict the mob lifestyle – the downfalls and violence, but also the glamour. Then in 1991 came Boyz N The Hood, an account of life on the LA streets of South Central with rapper Ice Cube. Jurassic Park quickly became one of the must-see classic movies to watch with the family and kids, thanks to its fantastic storyline and ground-breaking special effects.

Classic Movies of the 2000s

If you fancy watching modern classic 00s movies, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is sure to thrill, about the Dark Lord who’s seeking the One Ring. In fact, it’s one of the best classics in cinematic history. Another modern-day movie classic is 28 Days Later, in which a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the UK.

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