Scott Henderson (Alan Curtis) is drowning his sorrows after yet another fight with his wife. At a local bar, he meets a woman and they strike up a conversation. Sensing the woman is also feeling down and not wishing to be alone, he invites her to the theatre. She agrees under one condition; she does not wish to divulge her name, preferring to remain anonymous. When Henderson returns home he finds police officers waiting for him. His wife has been murdered, strangled with one of his neckties, and he is the main suspect. Maintaining his innocence he suggests they go back and speak with someone who might provide an alibi. But no one seems to remember the mysterious lady. Charged with the murder of his wife, it seems Scott Henderson will face the electric chair if he cannot prove his innocence. His only hope just might be his loyal secretary Carol "Kansas" Richman (Ella Raines). Can she find the phantom lady before it's too late?
At a dinner party, the thirteenth guest failed to show. Thirteen years later, the remaining twelve guests are being killed off one by one and sat in their original seat around the table. Is it all linked to the fact the mysterious thirteenth guest has been left the bulk of an estate?
Gulliver Shiels (Robert Beatty) lies abed in Dublin, loafing to the best of his ability. He whiles away his time dreaming of a South Sea island that, he believes, will be bequeathed to him for an act of selfless charity. When he bumps into ace toper Alastair McNeil (Stanley Holloway), Shiels believes that McNeil could be the benefactor of his daydreams.
Much rested on the slender shoulders of Little Women. Hollywood wanted to see if an adapted literary classic could strike box-office gold. Jo March and her sisters nimbly shouldered the load.
In the distant future, Earth faces a new Ice Age. While a dedicated team of scientists battle to hold the approaching glaciers at bay, a startling discovery is made deep within the ice... an alien warrior, frozen for millennia. When the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria arrive they soon discover Earth is under threat from the Ice Warriors - fearsome Martians intent on conquering our planet for themselves...
The once-feared Cybermen have disappeared from the universe without trace. An expedition from Earth arrives on Telos - homeworld of the Cybermen - to try and discover exactly what has become of the silver giants. Soon after the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria join the archaeological party, the first mysterious death occurs. With the group now stranded on Telos, it becomes clear that the Cybermen may not be as 'dead' as it was first thought... Beneath the planet's surface, giant ice-tombs hold the last remains of the Cybermen in a frozen sleep. And someone is working to re-activate them from their slumber...
50 years after its only UK broadcast on BBC One, one of Doctor Who's most celebrated, lost adventures is regenerated, with a brand new hand-drawn black and white animation, synchronised with a digitally remastered recording of the original 1966 audio. The six-part adventure takes place immediately after the first regeneration, as the Time Lord and his companions, Polly (Anneke Wills) and Ben (Michael Craze), do battle with an old foe on the mysterious planet Vulcan. How will Polly and Ben cope with a new Doctor? How will the Doctor take to his new body? And how will they ever overcome the power of the Daleks?
Vivacious mystery novelist Janet Frobisher (Bette Davis) has been happily separated from her criminal husband for years. She now lives alone in a dark English country house, where she enjoys devious dalliances with her secretary's fiancé (Anthony Steel). When her husband returns out of the blue and threatens to ruin her relationship, Janet resolves to poison him. Just as she's preparing to dispose of the body, disaster strikes! Her husband's criminal cohort George (Gary Merrill) arrives looking for his pal...George wastes no time insinuating himself into Janet's home and life, and the web of tangled relationships soon develops into a macabre game of cat and mouse.
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