Film Reviews by CT

Welcome to CT's film reviews page. CT has written 3 reviews and rated 11 films.

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Lost on me

(Edit) 18/01/2023

Frankly I didn't get this at all. The sci/fi bit at the end was the icing on the cake. The long silences and the long frame holds were very tedious. Sum up from me - pretentious!

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Fast and Furious 9

Comedy Gold

(Edit) 27/01/2022

Had me roaring with laughter at some of the scenes. Hammy acting, rubbish plot and much much too long. I think this theme has been milked far too much.

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WWII: The Long Road Home

Please please remove this film from the library

(Edit) 11/03/2021

I feel like deliberately scratching the disk so no one else need endure this appalling film. How a distributor actually thought there was some mileage in it is beyond me.

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