Film Reviews by KG

Welcome to KG's film reviews page. KG has written 19 reviews and rated 135 films.

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Non-Stop Action

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Liam Neeson fans will love this all action aeroplane journey.

Plenty of suspects to keep you guessing, including a few twists and turns along the way.

'Emergency exits are located, here, here and here'

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The Lego Movie

Great Voiceovers, Good Story for under 10s

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Watchable by adults, enjoyed by children. Annoying repetitive song 'Awesome', seems to be the bit the kids like best and the adults hate the most.

Quality actors doing the voiceovers add to the movies credence.

Nice story that takes the movie to a conclusion

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Increase the Volume? Yes, Lauda!!

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Excellent storytelling based around the 1976 Formula 1 Season.

Edge of the seat action shots recreated as if we are sat in the cockpit.

The rivalry between Hunt and Lauda is examined throughout the film and shows both the bitter rivalry and genuine moments of both mutual respect and real friendship.

The risks of F1 are graphically shown and the single mindedness of individuals to beat the odds draws you in to a film you have to watch right through to the end of season in Japan.

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Saving Mr. Banks

Touching, Family Film

(Edit) 27/08/2014

Enjoyed by the family, great story, well crafted to lead us from childhood to release of Mary Poppins. Fantastic soundtrack penned by talented individuals, you could really see the development of each song during the film.

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