Film Reviews by 'Clx2'

Welcome to 'Clx2''s film reviews page. 'Clx2' has written 4 reviews and rated 754 films.

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I, Daniel Blake

Just watch it.

(Edit) 31/07/2019

If you've ever voted Tory or ever plan to, watch this film. Frankly, it should be compulsory viewing for everyone in the country. If you still want to vote Tory, then basically you don't give a sh** about your fellow human beings.

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Tokyo Sonata

Two different films in one.

(Edit) 14/01/2011

I quite enjoyed the first half of this film. However, just over halfway through, there are some utterly bizarre twists in the plotline, which makes it feel like you've strayed into a completely different film altogether. It seems like the writer couldn't work how to finish the plot within the confines that had already been set up, so veers off in a totally different direction. All in all, a very odd film.

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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

A mediocre film saved by its powerful ending.

(Edit) 14/08/2010

If it wasn't for the powerful and tragic ending of this film, it wouldn't have featured particularly on anybody's radar. So much about the plot is unbelievable, even before we get to the final dénouement. The acting of the child playing Schmuel is only just bearable, and many of the historical details are incorrect. For instance, the actors not only all have cut-glass English accents, but the 'German' characters and those with Eastern European names all understand each other perfectly - in reality, they would probably not have spoken the same language. There are much better holocaust films.

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Under the Tuscan Sun

Under the Americanised Sentimental Sun

(Edit) 23/02/2005

Well, there are worse ways to pass an evening, I suppose. But if you really want to spend your time in the company of some Americanised sentimental twaddle that just wants to dig up lots of stereotypes about Europeans (sex-crazed Italians, grumpy Germans, etc etc), this is the film for you. 9/10? Pur-lease.

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