Film Reviews by RF

Welcome to RF's film reviews page. RF has written 3 reviews and rated 5 films.

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The Favourite

Vastly overrated

(Edit) 16/01/2025

Gorgeous cinematography and excellent acting makes a completely ridiculous and historically inaccurate story just about watchable.

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Marriage Story


(Edit) 01/04/2021

Self-indulgent and emotionally stereotypical - main characters over-acting and hard to identify with (having been through a divorce myself). Thought it was a total waste of time.

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The Rider

Beautiful exploration of loss

(Edit) 08/06/2019

Beautifully filmed exploration of loss - cinematography was stunning and the acting by the characters (who played themselves) was incredible. this will stick in the memory for a long time. Not fast-moving, but worth the time it takes to unfold. Can't rate it highly enough.

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