Welcome to KB's film reviews page. KB has written 3 reviews and rated 6 films.
I must confess I have not seen many Iranian films and so this was a little surprising in that of what little we read and hear in the western press, this movie told a perfectly 'normal' story that could have been played in many other western or industrialized country. Very good natural acting including the children. I must also admit I was a little put off when the film begins to get a 'little' American when people start blaming others for a woman that goes missing rather than have a character apply some logic as the reason of her disappearance.
Wonderfully shot in black and white, with nice pace and sound-track, are a great concoction from director Jim Jarmusch. Although I agree with the last comment; it would be better viewed on the big screen! (is this why so many living rooms have dominating 54" or 60" tv screens?!?!?!). If you fancy just sitting down with your feet up, this might be just the film to watch
From whichever industrialized nation one lives, this slow-ish Japanese movie tells a story centred round a family of three generations which would could be told from many film-makers in many of the worlds industrial countries. Expectations, how to cope with ailing health in parents, grand-children, how to learn to forgive all centres round the grandparents house over a few years. Good script, well played acting and camera. Not a popcorn movie though!!