Welcome to Christopher Chiu-Tabet's film reviews page. Christopher Chiu-Tabet has written 16 reviews and rated 2789 films.
A sincere and poignant origin story, Batman Begins was a welcome distraction in 2005, especially after the 7/7 London bombings that occurred shortly after the film’s release: I vividly remember, after that tragedy, wanting to know why we had terrorists, but not anti-terrorists like Bale’s Batman. (15 years later, I still wish we had a law enforcer like him, to strike awe and hope in all of us by expressly rejecting lethal force and firearms.) The film also stands out visually from the rest of The Dark Knight trilogy, from the grotty, rusting, Blade Runner-inspired setting of the Narrows, to the Scarecrow fear gas effects, and of course, the swarms of flying bats. None of the imagery here may be as profoundly realistic as the brightly lit streets of The Dark Knight, but I’m still grateful we got to see Nolan’s take on a comic book Gotham.
Full retrospective here: http://www.multiversitycomics.com/longform/batman-begins-15/