Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 205 reviews and rated 272 films.

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Aquarium of the Dead

Really bad

(Edit) 03/10/2021

So I went in expecting this to be bad, just didnt realise it would be bad bad. I was expecting a semi cheesy survival movie but this was terrible. Bad acting, poorly written characters and some terrible cgi. Even the kills are quite dull.

Give it a miss

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Midnight in the Switchgrass

Another bad Bruce Willis film

(Edit) 03/10/2021

Not sure why I keep thinking movies like this will be watchable. Yet another boring bland thriller with Willis going through the motion and lifeless performances from Hirch (what happened to a once promising actor)and Megan Fox who hams it up.

Didnt care by the end.

1 star is being generous.

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Decent horror

(Edit) 03/10/2021

I do love a good horror film. The conjuring series are highlights in american horror movies and have enjoyed most films from James Wan.

This film starts a bit slow and does steal ideas from other films. Its entertaining enough and the twist maybe the main selling point but would say this film is on par with The Candyman remake on the level of low scale scares.

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Enjoyable enough

(Edit) 30/09/2021

Cruella is one that I found interesting from the trailer so was looking forward to seeing this film.

It's rather good and keeps you entertained throughout. The film is simple enough but has some great performances from Stone and Thompson.

Overall I wouldnt say it's a classic but it will entertain families with older children.

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Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

Watchable but forgettable

(Edit) 30/09/2021

The sequel that wasnt needed.

This is very much your usual hollywood spy film. Lots of cheesy jokes and forgettable action scenes.

Watch if you want to see Reynolds and Jackson playing their usual characters.

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Escape Room 2: Tournament of Champions

On par with the first film

(Edit) 13/09/2021

Escape room 2 is one of those horror films that plays to its strength. It doesnt try and reinvent the genre but provides and entertaining 90 mins of final destination meets Cube style action.

The characters are decent enough with no one standing out.

Like the original film this provides enough to keep horror fans entertained without needing to resort to graphic blood and gore.

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Mortal Kombat

Fun and watchable

(Edit) 23/08/2021

I dont have much knowledge of mortal kombat other than that dragon image.

That being said this Is a fairly decent fun action movie. The kill scenes are full on John Wick style of blood and guts and the action is non stop.

That being said I cared very little for the characters but then again this isnt that sort of film.

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Very dull Bowie bio

(Edit) 19/08/2021

What can I say I came for the Bowie story and left feeling very underwhelmed.

The story is really dull, acting unconvincing and just felt flat despite being about David Bowie and his creation of Ziggy Stardust.

Hopefully a better more interesting biopic will be here soon.

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Well acted and tense

(Edit) 19/08/2021

Just finished this 4 part series.

It was an interesting and quite dark show which shows the errors from the police on capturing a serial killer rapist by manipulating a female police officer to honey trap a potential profiled suspect.

Acting is great from the lead actress and you can feel her range of emotions

It's hard to review something like this being that it's based on true events but was an eye opening.

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Watchable and short

(Edit) 16/08/2021

What can I say. This is fairly short and features very little spoken words.

Following wild dogs in Instanbul around the city and the different situations they get into.

Ok for a watch.

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Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway

Cute family film but very little else

(Edit) 16/08/2021

The first film was rather loud and chaotic so it's nice they toned this sequel down a bit.

However the biggest issue is trying to make the peter rabbit characters modern and fun.

The storyline feels rather flat and the adult characters lack personality.

Overall if you want a film to stick on for the kids they may enjoy this but for adults theres very little here to make this memorable.

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Rust Creek

Decent independent film

(Edit) 04/08/2021

I would give this 2 stars only because I wouldnt say I would watch again.

Overall this is fairly decent film with a simple plot and decently acted.

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Great concept not quite the full package

(Edit) 01/08/2021

I was curious when I spotted the trailer and was hopeful that this would be the film to put Shyamalan back on top form.

Sadly this isnt quite a classic but by no means a disaster.

The concept is a good one. Group of strangers being trapped on a paradise island which ages everyone really quickly.

The film is watchable but sadly some major issues let it down.

Firstly the characters are thinly written with some traits coming out of nowhere.

Secondly nothing is left to settle, random pointless conversations dont add anything to the film and constant choppy editing doesnt help.

The ending is alright but overall doesnt quite manage to shock as much as it hoped.

In conclusion its worth a watch but could of been so much better if focus was put into the character development and script.

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Jungle Cruise

Just a fun film

(Edit) 01/08/2021

So firstly this is one of the only rides I never got to go on when visiting disney so dont have the nostalgia for this ride or in jokes.

That being said this film wont win awards for being original or offering anything challenging.

Jungle Cruise is just a fun old school adventure film for the whole family. Yes there are some dark moments and some adult jokes but overall has plenty to entertain.

The film never slows down and the likeable characters keep you entertained until the end.

There are elements of Indiana jones and pirates of the Caribbean but this still holds it own. The beautiful scenery also adds an extra star for me.

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Lake Mungo

Great horror film

(Edit) 30/07/2021

This is one of those horror films that hits different.

It's filmed just like a true life documentary and convinces throughout.

The performances are spot on and while it's a slow burner it leads to some chilling set pieces with the grainy camera.

The scary thing is that keeps close to what is scary and that's human emotions and fear of the future.

Much like The Others and The Orphanage this is a horror movie that avoids jump scares and relies on chilling imagery and a sad premise.

Great work

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