Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 205 reviews and rated 272 films.

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Wild Mountain Thyme


(Edit) 26/07/2021

One of those strange films where it's nice to watch on a sunday afternoon but will unlikely feature as anyone favourite film.

The acting is good enough but at times feels like it would have worked better as a stage play.

Overall it's a decent watch but unlikely to view again.

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Endangered Species

Terrible cgi isnt the worst thing

(Edit) 20/07/2021

What can I say. This really is a bad film. The story is bland and despite having a great message never really gets that across.

The cgi is horrific and on par with some of the sci fi channel shows.

The story meanders and the characters are bland.

Overall give it a miss.

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The Rental

Watchable I guess

(Edit) 18/07/2021

Would of liked to have given 2 stars but the cast were so unlikeable that you almost had no interest invested in them. So man parts didn't connect.

Overall watchable due to a short length but watch something else for a good horror movie.

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Average slasher film

(Edit) 13/07/2021

This felt like it had the potential to be a good slasher film but lacked direction.

The set up is a bit jumbled and the kill scenes a bit feeble but i guess it was a low budget film.

It was watchable and the acting ok for this type of film but overall could have been better.

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Great White

Ok shark movie

(Edit) 13/07/2021

So many shark films I have seen over the years. Jaws and Deep Blue Sea for me are the top ones.

This is actually fairly decent for a low budget shark movie. The kills arent overly graphic which is nice to see and some of the cgi is good compared to the over the top hollywood cgi.

The biggest issue is undeveloped characters.

Overall worth a one time watch.

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(Edit) 02/07/2021

The original saw films were all fairly entertaining although I regard the first 2 are a step above the others. Jigsaw was a decent enough reboot and this a second attempt to reboot is fairly decent.

Firstly this is a fairly decent entry to the saw series. It features the usual sub par script and acting but let's be honest it's the story and traps that brings the viewers in and while this film only has few traps they are all rather gory as usual.

Worth watching but still nowhere near the quality of the first 2 films.

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New slasher film up there with the classics

(Edit) 02/07/2021

Just saw this at the cinema and have to say I really loved it.

This feels like it's back to the standard of the classic 90s slasher films (Scream, I know what you did last summer, Urban legends, final destination).

The cast are likeable and we get a comfy 90s feel with the characters. Unlike most of the horror films recently we dont get characters being annoyingly millenials.

The kill scenes are gory but has a great balance of funny lines and kills.

Modern day horror classic.

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School's Out Forever

Bit of fun

(Edit) 30/06/2021

This is one of those fairly watchable nicely paced films that plods along nicely with average acting throughout but does the job.

Essentially its a film around a group of teenagers fighting against a milita group.

It's fun, dumb and worth a watch.

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The War with Grandpa


(Edit) 27/06/2021

First thing to appreciate is the top level cast of De Nero, Walken, Seymour and Thurman in one film.

Overall the film does a decent job of a fairly inoffensive family film. The jokes are rather predictable at times but the odd one here and there arent too bad.

It's no Home Alone and wont make anyone classic list but for a one time watch wasnt too bad.

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(Edit) 27/06/2021

This is a fairly decent watch. The idea works for most of the time but I did fine that it felt quite long for a film that was only 1hr40mins.

Acting decent enough and story plods nicely, but think it could of been a bit shorter or added something a bit extra into it.

Overall it's fairly watchable.

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The United States vs. Billie Holiday

Great acting and soundtrack

(Edit) 22/06/2021

This is a rather engaging film which explores parts of her life and the controversy around her song 'strange fruit' and drug addiction.

The acting is great and Andra Day who has a great voice does a good job at singing these songs.

As a whole this is another biopic film where the acting outshines the film itself. Not to say this a bad film but it felt a bit unfocused at times.

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Don't Look Back

Amateur spin on final destination

(Edit) 20/06/2021

With this film being from the same writer of finald destination (first one) I assumed this would at least be similar style.

Seems they have missed out everything that was good about that film and even the silly sequels.

Removing all inventive kill scenes and removing any character of interest, you end up with this film.

The silly overreaction of this city to those who didnt get involved in stopping a deranged man killing another is only one of the things that doesnt work for this film.

Silly first twist you can see from a mile off and a second twist which comes out of nowhere.

Back to the drawing board or better still a final destination reboot.

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Wrong Turn

Decent except the ending

(Edit) 20/06/2021

The original wrong turn film was a decent horror movie with tense moments and decent scares.

Then came some laughably bad sequels that had some terrible acting and silly kill scenes.

Luckily this reboot does some things well. Shame to see the cannibals gone and replaced with psychotic cult.

The pacing is much slower but allows for the atmosphere to set in. The characters are still a bit underdeveloped besides the main girl and her dad.

Some scenes are quite creepy and at least it tried something different.

Would of been 3 stars if not for some bits that irked me like the boyfriend deciding he wants to stay and the ending was a bit flat.

2 out of 5 is the rightscore

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Really bad tv movie

(Edit) 20/06/2021

Not sure why this has good reviews. Just watched it on netflix and it's really bad.

The acting is hammy from the lead and sarah Paulson goes into full hysterical AHS range.

The film feels like a channel 5 tv movie. Just found my attention wandering at it's slow pacing.

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Tom and Jerry: The Movie

2 stars for Tom and Jerry

(Edit) 16/06/2021

It's fairly watchable fun film that pods along nicely. In truth theres nothing here that hasnt been done before but it's a lighthearted family film that does the job.

The best thing about this film are the Tom and Jerry scenes but the characters arent terrible just a bit bland.

It's still an alright watch.

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