Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 205 reviews and rated 272 films.
Not much I can say about this film.
Just dont waste your time. If you enjoy either classic horrors or even b movie horror films you will all be better off avoiding this film.
The acting isnt great, but it's the story and the fact that nothing really happens until the last 20 minutes and then comes some truly terrible cheap cgi.
I really enjoyed the first film which had a good balance of humour and action sequences.
This sequel was very flat. The best part was the chase in the opening scene. Overall bland new characters and slightly dull set pieces makes for a massive let down.
If they do revisit hopefully they go back to basics.
I was first hooked to the show due to the great soundtrack but stayed due to the storylines. Yes it's all rather farfetched and violent but it's also addictive. The characters arent likeable and yet you keep rooting for them.
Look forward to the 3rd season.
This is by no means a bad film. However having seen the original I felt like the changes they made didnt quite work as well.
The original film was more engaging and Mads character had more layers.
Sadly this film pours on more sentiment and due to the change in gender of the lead has to change some of the plot to make the same result work which doesnt quite have the same shock half way through.
That being said much of the plot remains in tact and the acting Is decent. Just think they would of been better keeping it closer to the original.
This film is worth a watch but wouldnt say a classic. The film goes along nicely enough and has strong performances from both Depp and Whitaker. However, the film overall doesnt quite go above an average movie and while watchable you never real fully invested.
ITV drama tend to fall into 3 camps. First is terrible drama, second are dramas that start well and then become rubbish. This falls into the third camp in that its consistent throughout. It's not amazing but for a 4 part drama entertains. Still a bit behind bbc and other networks (sky and netflix) but a step into the right direction.
With a decent cast of adult actors and using the tales of alice and peter pan means this could of been a film with plenty of potential. Sadly it was so flat and lacked any charm or imagination.
This could of been a great film if they had a decent script and storyline.
I mean what can I say. This film is terrible but in a great entertaining way.
Mostly predictable with who will get picked off but it's fun and trashy.
Nic Cage stays mute throughout and shows his usual lack of facial expressions throughout but here it works for him.
If you like fun trashy b movies with lots of pointless characters and no plot this is the film for you. It wont win awards but was hugely enjoyable ride.
When I saw this advertised I assumed it would be awful but it's actually a fairly easy watch. It's silly and fun and kind of comes across like a female bill and ted. The comedy is wacky and weird but while it may not be a classic in my eyes it was much better than I thought it was going to be.
Maybe it was me but I found this really third rate. The acting wasnt very good and the script fell flat. I thought from other reviews this may be at least an enjoyable film but it really dragged.
This film was alright but I do feel like I would have enjoyed it more if it was a play. Which is why as a film the tone didnt quite work. It's fairly watchable but couldnt give it more than 2 out of 5.
The plot is fairly straight forward. It's mostly a father and son story dealing with an angry and abusive father diagnosed with dementia.
It can be a hard watch and isnt the most uplifting of films but it showcases a great performance from Henriksen as the angry stuck in his own way bitter old man and Mortensen who feels unable to let go of helping his dad despite the constant hostility.
Only through the flash backs do you see any sense of care. This film like real life provides very little answers to why people become this way.
This is a fairly watchable musical drama. Its is fairly entertaining but being fairly light and fun it doesnt really stand out. However if you like Hudson and Beyonce you will like this film as theres a lot of signing.
Watching this it did feel a tad dated. The story is interesting enough to engage but overall it felt like it would make a better tv miniseries. Worth a watch. Walker is great.
I enjoyed the first film and the second movie was fun if slightly silly. This third in the series if not really needed. The fun has been zapped from it and it feels like both leads are going through the motion. Also hoping this doesnt spawn any further movies featuring the daughters. Overall it's ok but not one to remember.