Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 205 reviews and rated 272 films.

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The New Mutants

Had potential

(Edit) 28/01/2021

This film felt like it didnt know what it wanted to be. There was real potential for this to be an interesting film and I liked the dark horror elements but it kind of held back from being a superhero film and held back on horror and clearly held back on likeable characters.

The ingredients are there and hopefully someone can revive this idea and make it 100 times better.

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The Witches

Bit of a flop

(Edit) 27/01/2021

Growing up I loved the witches story and the original film will hold a fond memory being filmed in my town. Angelica Houston is perfect as the high witch and Rowan Atkinson brought the role to life.

This remake should of been great but it's well... very dull.

The special effects arent the greatest and ruins some of the more iconic scenes.

Anne Hathaway is totally miscast and over acts throughout. Stanley Tucci is wasted and Octavia Spencer looks like she is running through the motions. The casting of young boy who looks gormless throughout and acts how most people will be reacting when watching this remake.

Just watch the original and forget this film completely.

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Great story and unusual but bit too weird

(Edit) 22/01/2021

The story of pinocchio follows similar path to the story we all know. This is an italian made film with I assume dubbing voices. The film makes a good bold attempt at something a bit different but it all feels rather cheap and disturbing costumes. Also the dubbing doesnt help and wonder if it would of been better with subtitles instead.

That being said I think I may keep to the disney version of the film or read the original story.

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In the Name of the Father

Decent film

(Edit) 22/01/2021

Day Lewis is a revelation in the lead role and the story is hard hitting. This will stay with you after the credit roles on misjustice and the attempts society can go to in order to cover up their own crimes.

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Smiley Face Killers

Low budget bad film

(Edit) 16/01/2021

This was a rather dull low budget film. The acting was ok at best and the script wasnt much better.

Its bascially involves a rather dull uninteresting guy who thinks hes been stalked and then from the 70 minutes mark goes into gore mode and by the end you think what was the point.

Crispin Glover needs to get better film roles than this.

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The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Thunder road was better

(Edit) 08/01/2021

Thunder road was quite a hidden gem but sadly this film had potential but never really knew whether it was going for b movie/comedy horror style. Jim Cummings has a very strange style of acting that almost feels like a bit of will ferrell/jim Carey but played really serious.

Overall it's alright to watch once.

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The 2nd


(Edit) 06/01/2021

So this isnt an awful film but it feels like someone has watched a load of action movie classics and thought I will give it a go. Cliche after cliche and some strange moments like bad guys who feel like they have been recruited from a will Ferrell movie.

Shame to see Ryan Phillippe resort to this type of b movie.

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Gangs of London: Series 1

Addictive series

(Edit) 06/01/2021

The first episode is a bit ropey and features some iffy script writing and stilted acting.

Luckily this is corrected in the second episode and from then on really picks up.

Some bits are rather far fetched and the constant graphic violence begs down some of the earlier episodes but luckily from the half way point the show finds its direction and focuses more on the story.

Look forward to series 2

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Interesting documentary

(Edit) 06/01/2021

I was interested to find out more about Billie Holiday and found this to be fairly interesting. Will this go down as a classic possibly not but anyone interested in a musical icon and music history will enjoy this.

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Love Sarah

It was ok

(Edit) 31/12/2020

Passable sunday afternoon film.

The acting is fine and the story is slightly predictable but does the job.

Wouldnt watch again but wasnt that bad.

2 out of 5 is enough.

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(Edit) 23/12/2020

It's alright. Fairly average film but like the idea of a tough santa. The acting is decent but feels at time a bit too silly to take serious. One time watch from me.

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Well acted and decent film

(Edit) 23/12/2020

This film had such a rave review that my expectations were high but it fell short for me. There is no denying that this is a well acted and at times engaging but as a whole it didnt feel to me to tread any new grounds. Wallace and Scanlen are really engaging in the lead roles but I felt like the parents were fairly cold throughout with little personality. The ending is really moving but I guess I was just hoping for something more.

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Crazy Heart

Great showcase for Bridges

(Edit) 21/12/2020

This was a decent if unremarkable film. Jeff Bridges is great in the lead role and is the best thing about the film along with the music. For me the film itself didnt break new boundaries and felt a bit predictable in places. However it's not bad and is worth a watch just for a great JB performance.

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The End of the Storm

Worth a watch

(Edit) 21/12/2020

An interesting liverpool documentary and nothing more. A lot of this was nothing new but enjoyed the Klopp interviews and reliving the moments.

Even if you arent a fan it's a decent enough watch.

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Billy Connolly's Great American Trail

Like billy but rather dull

(Edit) 18/12/2020

I'm a fan of Billy but this felt rather flat. The trip was rather uninspiring and I felt like it became background noise rather than an interesting road trip. Shame

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