Film Reviews by S.S

Welcome to S.S's film reviews page. S.S has written 8 reviews and rated 343 films.

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How to Talk to Girls at Parties


(Edit) 20/01/2021

One of the worst movies that have ever existed, it wasn't even worth making let alone watching! It was that bad i had to turn it off and watch another movie!!

Just cheaply made, unbearable to watch to be honest!

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Kingsman: The Secret Service


(Edit) 20/12/2020

Proper top quality movie, full of thrills, quality actors and story line! I thoroughly loved it to be honest!! 2nd best British movie after Trainspotting in my opinion!! A MUST WATCH MOVIE!! 5 stars all the waaaay!

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(Edit) 19/09/2020

There's people moaning on here, what are they moaning about? This was one pukka non stop action movie! Great acting and great story line! I thoroughly enjoyed it to be honest from start to finish, and that makes it a top movie, so a 5 stars and a thumbs up from me! I was really skeptical at first as I wasn't sure to take it out due to it having a few subtitles in it, i usually find them a right drag, having your eyes glued on the subtitles all day, but I was pleasantly surprised to be honest!

It is in English, in case you're wondering with a bit of french subtitles, if it was 100 % subtitles that would of have been utter shit! It has a lot of blood in it though, but hey it makes it all the more realistic! I loved it, top movie! 5 stars from me!! *****

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Fantasy Island

Top movie

(Edit) 17/09/2020

Great movie, i thoroughly enjoyed it till the end! Deserves 4 stars at least! Maybe the story line isn't so original, but it was a pukka movie still and i thoroughly enjoyed it, so well worth a watch!

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The Assistant

One DRAB movie!!

(Edit) 17/09/2020

One of the most drabbest, boringest movies i have ever encountered, there is no story line what so ever, it drags on and ends abruptly and you think to yourself is that it? I thoroughly hated it every minute of it, it was a waste of my time. I can't believe people have given it a misleading 3 stars, it's not worthy of a half star even to be frank! It drags on, and it claims to be a thriller, what part was that then? That's lies, it's no thriller, it's one drab, boring waste of your time movie lol ... Worthy of half a star if that! ... Yawn!!

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A major flop!!

(Edit) 26/08/2020

The actor starring the lead role is not exactly Chris Hemsworth is he? Lol ... He looks like a small, ugly troll to be honest! What a disappointment, they're all ugly in it to be honest, and yeh it does make a difference to be honest, cheap actors! Annoying subtitles which i wasn't aware of even, so that got on my nerves, it doesn't even come close to the original American version starring the dashing Chris Hemsworth! Over all a bit boring, it dragged on to be honest, i lost count of what was going on because you have to have your eyes glued on the annoying subtitles all the the time, so a bit of a major flop in my eyes to be honest! Oh well!!

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(Edit) 20/12/2018

Tom Hardy is gorgeous and a pleasure to watch, his acting skills are very good, and so is the story line, what more do you need to know.

Top movie, loved it! A must see movie!

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Ace movie

(Edit) 03/02/2018

What a Ace movie from beginning to end, it's very hard hitting, but a quality movie with quality acting By Vince. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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