Film Reviews by tb

Welcome to tb's film reviews page. tb has written 6 reviews and rated 392 films.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

(Edit) 17/12/2023

good old fashioned romp , Indy style , but unfortunately Phoebe WB is bloody aweful , an actress who can act would have been better suited , even my cat has better range and looks than this over rated talentless woman . besides that , the film is a sit back and enjoy the ride , better than part 2 but what isnt ?

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The Last of Us: Series 1

the last of us

(Edit) 04/09/2023

every thing that was good about the game has been taken out , so basically all we get is the cut scenes and hardly any action at all . charactors in the game who only got a mention now have an episode to them selves and its all talk . fight and battle scenes from the game are gone or very very brief and the series concentrates mainly on talk , talk and more talk . i wont even bother with series 2 , its a struggle to get through the boredom of the 1st series

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The Power of the Dog

The Power of the Dog

(Edit) 07/05/2023

long bore fest . nothing happens , just talk and talk , so gave up after an hour or so of nothingness . waste of time

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(Edit) 30/01/2023

too long . too boring and predicatable , big let down ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Hellraiser: Judgment


(Edit) 12/01/2022

one star is generous , what a pile of crap , aweful , even stoned its crap .

review in a 100 characters when a handful will do

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(Edit) 16/03/2021

i have always found nolan's stuff to be be overblown up it's own ass rubbish , his Batman films were bad , they were , get over it , and this is no different . sfx and action sequences he is good at , can't deny that but take those out and the scripts are generally crap.

so many holes in this film that even if they were filled in it would still be bad. he is an over rated director and he will be found out after this poor excuse for a thriller .

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