Film Reviews by TT

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Avatar: The Way of Water


(Edit) 03/06/2024

The first Avatar film had a moral compass. Perhaps it was ecology, but certainly it was the error of the powerful exercising their assumed superiority to overcome and disregard the needs and rights of others. This occurs too readily 'at home', never mind about in a galaxy far, far away!

How disappointing that this second film had no 'moral compass' and merely indulged itself if presenting CGI violence to no good end, other than the 'goodies' that we were supposed to side with overcame the 'baddies'. Like an old western in a new setting. And a poor western at that.

What causes me to enjoy a film, to think about it when it's over, and to want to see it again?

1. Certainly characterisation, thought this does not occur so often in science fiction films.

2. The posing of important ideas, even moral dilemmas, that are relevant to us, today. Gattaca, Forbidden Planet, the first Avatar and the first three Star Wars films all achieved this brilliantly.

Don't waste your time on his film, watch The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951 version, NOT the remake)

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The L-Shaped Room


(Edit) 31/05/2024

There is hardly any plot to this film: An unmarried young French woman, living in London, becomes pregnant but does not wish to become involved with the father. She checks in to a boarding house, and occupies an L-shaped room. Her fellow borders at first seem unfriendly, but gradually give her love and support, without judgment, which would have been all to easy in the time when the film was made. A film well ahead of its time when it touched on LGBT+ issues.

It's just about people being kind to each other; what could be better than that?!

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