Welcome to SC's film reviews page. SC has written 5 reviews and rated 319 films.
Although three-hours long, this sweeping romance never feels long. Made under difficult and ever-changing wartime conditions, the film is set in 1820s-1830s Paris and shows how rough romance can be on some of its participants.
This is a very good animation about the end of the Second World War, from a Japanese perspective. There are themes which are not often thought about making the film interesting, but the American vocal dubbing is simply horrible, clashing with the high quality of the animation.
This is a typical romcom from the postwar period, starring Jane Wyman as airsteward Marcy, always trying to do the right thing and usually getting it wrong. Light and fluffy and none the worse for that.
Be advised, the copying of this disc is not great, the sound sometimes unclear and no subtitles to help.
This is a fun, light-hearted review of the history of aviation up until the end of the 1930s. The scripted recreations in the first half are corny but still watchable, and it is educational even if only in directing you to relevant Wikipedia pages.
I only managed to watch the first half an hour at which point I could no longer watch the director working with his cast. Maybe the production which came out of this work made it all worthwhile, but I'm not unhappy I'll never find out.