Film Reviews by JD

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The Pusher: Trilogy


(Edit) 27/02/2014

I requested this partly because it was 4 star rated and partly because Mads Mikkelsen is so good in The green butchers. It is however a hand held biography of 2 drug addicts / pushers. The camera follows them as they chat, get drunk, play fight, grope women and sell cocaine. The only interest is that they are so immoral. Well I would suggest that the amazement of watching such depravity does not last for 3 episodes.

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Charming and gruesome

(Edit) 17/02/2014

On the one hand some of the violence is sickening and unpalatable; on the other there are some charming and compelling parts to the plot. Generally the pace speeds and slows often enough to keep it interesting, the time line is easy to follow but unpredictable. The idea of re-orientating with a genuine memory loss is engrossing and novel and the characters believable and moving. Worth a watch.

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The Phantom Carriage

Awesomely niche

(Edit) 12/02/2014

If a technically poor, subtitled, Swedish 1921 film about death, evil, regret and primitive superstition appeals; your desire to be in the minority is even greater than mine. I love some pretty cult/non-main stream stuff but this is off the scale. Watch if you are hard core goth or similar. I couldn't finish it.

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Borgen: Series 3

Still good

(Edit) 12/02/2014

If any TV drama could endure a third series it is Borgen. It is very difficult to watch just one episode. So far I haven't managed. If you saw a bit recently on TV, I would strongly advise watching from the beginning of the series. To watch from the beginning of series 1 is not strictly necessary but all 3 series are so good, it might be an idea. There are at least 5 plots interwoven (hardly new but done much more elegantly than usual). These range from political infighting to matrimonial disharmony to career choices to television production to ill-health scares. A lot of Danish drama films have the same actors (like watching English 1950's comedy) but they are supremely good, so no complaints.

I wonder if politics really is as tactical as it is portrayed.

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The Green Butchers

The blackest humour

(Edit) 12/02/2014

An 18 certificate is warranted not for the sex (none) or gore (minimal/moderate) but the darkness of the humour. Anyone under 18 just would not get it. Django unchained and 7 psychopaths are blunt, crude examples of dark humour. This is a new level of sophistication. The acting superb and direction outstanding. You may not laugh out loud but you will smile for days as the subtlety of the humour trickles/tickles through your brain.

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The Killing: Series 2

Danish whodunnit

(Edit) 03/02/2014

The plot unfolds in 10 episodes. It is primarily about an on going serial murder for which the prime suspect changes regularly. There are a bunch of politicians in a parallel plot that is equally compelling. Of the other plots there are several the most notable being the main suspect's personal life.

Like most sequels following a brilliant first series there is a lot of expectation and no little anticlimax but it is still extremely watchable. Sofie Grabol is an immensely subtle actress and a huge but quiet force. Especially for one so small. You will want to watch the last 3 episodes back to back, be prepared for some tired mornings, each episode is an hour.

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Wallander: Collected Films 14-20

Swedish TV?

(Edit) 21/01/2014

If this is a Swedish TV drama, their censorship must be different to UK/US telly. There is violence and scenes that will linger in the mind far longer than detective series that you may be used to. Kojak, Starsky and Hutch, and The Bill are made to look a bit like Tots TV. If you like the sound of a more gruesome detective TV series, the acting also makes The Bill look like Barney the Dinosaur. The Swedes can act. Be prepared for a sleepless night. I found the courier and the thief the most disturbing though revenge is well worth a watch.

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In a Better World

Sad reflection on up-rooted boyhood

(Edit) 21/01/2014

The stars and subject of main interest for me was not the comparison of African conflict versus Danish middle class troubles, but the effect of disturbed families on 2 boys. These child actors are superb. Their troubles are completely believable and intensely dramatic. Few will be watching who don't remember some part of adolescent development that is not reflected in this sad and gripping story. I found some of the adult scenes far fetched and ludicrous (the garage forecourt cheek slapping scene for example) and some were horrific but irrelevant (e.g. demands of necrophilia). The film would have been improved by removing all the desert surgery scenes which were I think were less well acted, to the point of being a bit cringey, and expanding the child bullying scenes which really hurt.

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A Hijacking

A foil for Captain Phillips

(Edit) 10/01/2014

If you enjoyed Captain Phillips as I did, you will watch this Danish take on the same situation and probably also think that the films run true to national stereotype. The American solution: send in the marines and swot team, the Danes: deep introspection and desperate sadness.The draining stress of 2 months of negotiation from a hijacked ship is tiring to watch. There are some truly awesome scenes of men under huge stress. Most Danish films I have seen have these 2 actors in, its because they are magnificent.

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The Hunt

Too sad, too true.

(Edit) 10/01/2014

You cannot watch this film without thinking how pathetically feeble the human mind is. Over and over again innocent people are judged to be guilty and pilloried before the evidence is assessed. Over and over again good people are tarnished permanently by malevolent rumour. You can witness fathers picking their children up from school afraid to be friendly for fear of being judged and tarnished. This film is a sickening well told tale of such a stupidly pathetic psychology that is so common. How can humans call themselves advanced when we can seen so many examples like this. This film will move you to anger, even rage and then to sadness.

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(Edit) 10/01/2014

The first 10 minutes are some scenes in ultra-slow-mo, so slow that they appear to be stills at first. This drags a lot, but bear with it because then the film starts with a couple getting married. There is wealth and privilege in the family and there is also acrimonious divorce. This makes the wedding reception unpleasant to watch, but finally there is catastrophe. I don't know whether the film is just boring or whether with a little application I could have enjoyed it more.

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Dark Horse

Genuinely and refreshingly new

(Edit) 10/01/2014
Spoiler Alert

This is arty/cult comedy but it is unique and has a genuine feel to it. The best scenes for me are those of the misguided referee who is really funny in a strange way. It is like some French comedies (eg Amelie) but more bohemian and from the soul not just to look zany but to make you see comedy from a new angle.Some uninteresting scenes but mainly great. There is 5 seconds in colour, I'm not sure why.

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age


(Edit) 10/01/2014

The previous review details historical inaccuracies which I hadn't noticed. The acting and ambiance of the film is fantastic. It is completely absorbing and utterly moving. The central armada scene is a bit clipped, a big build up then Walter diving into the channel then game over. I don't think I can bring myself to drop to a 4 star however as at the time of watching it didn't seem to matter.

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Wide appeal

(Edit) 17/12/2013

This is partly a super-girl film and will appeal to female teenagers, or possibly not, she really is sickeningly good at everything. Kills several armed guards at a time, speaks every European language and some others fluently, can survive in the Arctic tundra indefinitely. Her only flaw is that she is unfamiliar with hi-tech. This is shown in an scene which could be seen as comic or strangely could also be seen from her perspective as horrific.

At another level it is an action thriller of several adult characters, some of the fight scenes quite inventive and alternative. Some of the torture scenes I thought should have been 15 rated.

I thought Blanchett was not as intriguing as usual; her character is utterly ruthless and cold but that is about all it is. Not very engaging.

Ronan is a good child actor, but like a poodle that can stand on its back legs, one marvels to see it done at all well.

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The Missing

Gory but moving

(Edit) 17/12/2013

Some pretty sickening scenes. Some of the more sensitive and endearing characters come to pretty grizzly ends. Some of the less endearing ones also. I liked the "Western" feel to this drama, other critics obviously didn't. I got this primarily for the pairing of Blanchett and Tommy Lee and was not disappointed. They play pretty much to form but it is a good match and very sparky. Some of the contrivances are unbelievable (as Kermode might say) but I don't like being left with the thought that something wouldn't really work. Is it because directors are so arty they aren't good with minor practicalities or do they just think they'll get away with them? The child actors are good enough not to drag the rest down (unlike the Harry Potter series) because the acting is strong. I was moved and bitterly disappointed (in a good way) with the mood of the film many times.

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