Film Reviews by JD

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Mesrine: Killer instinct / Public Enemy Number 1

Too violent

(Edit) 15/04/2012

This biography of an extremely violent man is not easy viewing. The relentless, pitiless violence is not done in a way that endears the character. He is socio-pathic and you can only pity anyone he knows. Hardly the basis for a good film which is uncomfortable throughout. I did not enjoy it and feel worse for having done so.

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(Edit) 15/04/2012

This 27 year old film is not well filmed. The direction and photography are pretty standard for a television '80's series. The plot is not convincing. A detective who has just spent considerable time interviewing and unsuccessfully investigating a heroin dealer then takes her out dancing before making a clumsy advance which she turns down. He had just made a similar clumsy advance to his rather feeble superintendent. This may be reality for some but it did not make believable viewing in this disappointing DVD which included some very talented actors.

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Under the Satan's Sun

Good but dull

(Edit) 11/04/2012

The plot is very philosophical and complex but the dialogues are very abstract. Maybe it is easier to follow them for a French speaking audience. Maybe it is not a good translation but the long, loose structured and esoteric dialogues are just too difficult. The plot is not dramatic and relies on suspense. I could not watch it to the end. For those who like religious symbolism and tortured souls it may appeal, for those who just think Gerard is a good actor get another.

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Ruthless People


(Edit) 11/04/2012

Produced in 1984, but the humour is so clumsy it feels much older. There is a lot of shouting and throwing of cups, but slapstick can be much funnier. Is it trying to be more sophisticated than that? The plot is pretty straight forward. Probably the worst part is the acting overall. This type of "goof-ball" comedy is a very fine line between cringingly bad and classic. Airplane is a classic, this is not.

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The Trip

Good bits

(Edit) 06/04/2012

Some of the meal time banter is well crafted and slick. Some very poignant and platonic. I laughed out loud at some of the thrashing of ideas while they were in the car. There are moments when you wondered why on earth they were filming, for example steve coogan's conversations with his agent as to his age and what type of film he was good for. Self indulgent rubbish and not remotely relevant to the rest of the film. Maybe a n excuse to film outside as 90% of it was interior footage. It should have been edited to 3 episodes, because there was obviously good comedy chemistry and it could easily have been better.

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Last Holiday

Laughed I almost got Lampington's

(Edit) 23/03/2012

Lampington's disease is clearly easily diagnosed. This part of the plot was a little quickly passed through but the rest was moving and brilliantly filmed. Cinematography of this standard is not currently popular. All of the actors are brilliant (for their time, sometime a bit theatrical) with a surprise appearance of Sid James. Recommended for all nostalgics.

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Die Hard 2


(Edit) 23/03/2012

The die hard films are all fantastic escapist fun and this is no exception. The suspension of disbelieve is strained sometimes when Bruce seems to escape yet another volley of automatic rifle fire but generally it is gripping enough to allow this. Some of the anti-hero scenes are panto in their extreme. In fact there are probably too many villains even for John McClane or are there??

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Mad Dogs: Series 1

Best of British

(Edit) 23/03/2012

It would be difficult to assemble 4 drama actors in better current form. The plot has 2 levels. The first is a dramatic trap into which they innocently become involved becoming increasingly more guilty involving first theft then murder and then drug smuggling. The second is the mid-life crises in which they have been involved which include separation, adultery and addiction. The direction however is poor. The complex plot is not well laid out and for such an extremely tense plot the scenes are not as exciting as they could be.

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Die Hard

The original but not the best

(Edit) 23/03/2012

This is for all those wanting total escapism done with a swagger and a wry smile. I am a die hard fan of this genre. The later die hard films have more spectacular scenes but they all make you leave smiling.

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Wildlife Specials: Leopard


(Edit) 13/03/2012

The hunting scenes are fantastic. Watch them in a quiet room with the lights low and you will not be able to breathe for fear of the life of the impala. When the cloud covers the moon and the leopard's incredible night vision competes with the impala's impressive senses of smell and hearing I could hardly bear to watch. They are not the most endearing cat or the most beautiful but their sight is special.

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Britain's best

(Edit) 13/03/2012

Simm, Broadbent and Colman. I have the highest regard for their acting and was looking forward to a work of drama showing off the best of British. I was not disappointed and was moved by some fine performances. The plot is a bit straightforward and the directing is average. I was distinctly underwhelmed by the photography. Maybe they ran out of money having hired the best of our acting talent.

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Die Hard: With a Vengeance


(Edit) 13/03/2012

I wonderful superhero beats villain, escapist film done with humour and plenty of action. Bruce Willis is unsurpassed in this genre, Samuel Jackson gives it an extra dimension mainly just more fun. Some bits are a little incongruous and it is hardly original but an excellent way of unwinding, should have one for every Friday.

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(Edit) 13/03/2012

At the time of writing this had a four and a half star rating. I cannot believe it. This film is dreadful. The acting is worse than a secondary school play. The action sequences are so ponderous as to be pathetic. the plot could be written on a stamp. The good reviews must have been by admirers of Jean-Claude's undoubtedly muscular physique. Do not bother otherwise.

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First Life

Masterful narration.

(Edit) 05/03/2012

If you watch a natural history film narrated by anyone other than David Attenborough it leaves an after taste of incredulity. To listen to this film makes the process of evolution seem totally cohesive and makes so much sense of it. I loved the multi eyed trilobites. They were so detailed. I never knew fossils could be like that. What was the first animal to live on land? Find out.

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Clearly an inspiration.

(Edit) 05/03/2012

David Attenborough first went to Madagascar 50 years ago, his passion for it is infectious. The subject matter is quite focussed. One island and its different inhabitants. The huge variety of lemurs is the main theme and their adaptability. One can eat cyanide! The bonus disc has a feature on an elephant bird egg, an unexpected feature and for me the best bit.

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