Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 809 reviews and rated 804 films.
This is one of the most beautifully scripted films even more amazing that it was taken from a real burglary. The acting is a bit minder / softly softly and does not really convince. I would recommend just because it is so incredible that it really happened.
Denzel Washinton is truly outstanding in this film. The plot is original and its uniqueness exploited well. But many films get that far. To get to the point where you really want to see the film again as soon as you've watched it requires blazingly talented acting. No poor acting anywhere. Some funny bits include an obese policeman trying to fit urgent phone calls around his mouthfuls of cheeseburger.
The idea of being "locked in" is superbly projected by skillful blends of film design. The feeling is made possible to imagine and find empathy. Eventually even to feel hope within despair. A difficult area for cinema well captivated.
The acting was almost as bad as the plot. I have never seen such a boring poorly acted film in any language.
The outstanding feature of this film is the beautiful photography that seems to be common in French Spanish and Italian films. May be it is the natural lighting. But so too is the rather bland plot. I didn't find the characters engaging. It is not a bad film and I suspect has a rom-com audience in mind.
Totally enthralling plot and outstanding acting. The combination of musical prodigy and adverse quality of life has been done a few times and to my mind usually works well. This is better even than most. The portrayal of a tormented and troubled adolescent is breathtaking.
I imagine sealed knot or some similar group of enthusiastic amateurs are the actors. The battle scenes are totally unconvincing. As an educational documentary it was interesting.
The content of this film will live with you for days. The mentality / socio-psychology of Germans living under the Hitler regimen defies understanding. Does it say more about the frailty of the human mind than the sickening levels to which the Nazi's stooped? What ever you decide you will not be able to forget that this was reality for millions of people less than 70 years ago.
The only criticism is that Sophie is too perfect; Faultless answers flow effortlessly and absolute courage shines in the face of the death penalty.
It is like a hundred other films with petrol explosions breaking sugar glass and CIA / FBI intrigue except that the plot is about spot on for balancing the number of characters, the complexity of story, unpredictability and believability. Some good performances.
A comedy with the price of being British. Not a film to be watched with a 6 pack on Friday night. This is about recovery from depression, the misery of deportation, loneliness and being bullied by an oppressive father. All the characters are played so well that it made me optimistic about the British film industry. Some risible moments but no rib-ticklers.
I have seen much better from Dylan Moran, I thought David Pierce was diabolical, Dara O'Biain was OK but Dave Chappelle, the big black American whose name I can't remember and Omid Djalili were fantastic. I cried salty tears. For these three it was well worth it.
Two of the main actors are well known for their light hearted roles (Four Weddings and George of the Jungle). The action scenes have the same look and feel as Indiana Jones and so I was surprised to look back at the film and remember that its 15 rating for horror is justified. I think however it is a horror comedy, and one of the best of this genre.
In Benjamin Button there is some good ballet, in this the ballet is sublime. The cinematography is fantastic, each shot a crystal clear work of art. However I didn't expect quite so much ballet and the acting is a bit theatrical. Beautiful rather than compelling.
Currently my favourite stand-up. Always graciously self-deprecating. Unfashionably intelligent humour without relying on topical news props. One or two of the gags were not his best.
This film suffers by having a rather naff title which sounds like a Saturday children's matinee and a production budget that must have been less than 30 shillings. It feels very dated because of it. The plot however is good but the direction and acting are outstanding.