Film Reviews by SW

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Eaten by Lions

Much better than it looks??

(Edit) 06/05/2020

I read a newspaper review which was very misleading but am happy I took a chance on this film.

It’s full of teenage family angst and so funny, the characters are very well put together and

Family dynamics so real.  We laughed out loud in many places and I recommend the film to

Anyone who likes a good laugh and something a bit different. 

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Le Grand Voyage

The Long Journey (or close)

(Edit) 13/07/2018

Another great French film, this time about muslim family going on Hadj. Doesn't sound too promising perhaps, but it was an extraordinary commentary of an elderly father and his teenage son going on a 3,000 mile car journey to Mecca. The son was less than interested and resentful of leaving his French life for so long. But in the end there was a conciliation between father and son, who grew up through various misadventures and events. Well worth renting. And a beautiful actor played the son!

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Excellent thought provoking film

(Edit) 21/11/2017

Previous reviewers have given the bones of the story, but it is the small everyday insights into human nature which are so fascinating. Each character has a complex back story, as people do, and the whole film is coloured by the interactions that arise.

Yes, it may be a bit slow to some but it is an essential in building the complexity of the storyline. Also I would point out the geographic vastness of Australia, which gives some depth to the central point of the fishermen staying on to fish with the dead girl lying nearby.

Watch this carefully for the sneaky little “tells” and you will really enjoy.

The ending was a let down I thought but can’t see how else it could have been wound up.

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