Film Reviews by ES

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All the Money in the World

Really good watch

(Edit) 03/07/2018

This is a real 'settle down for the evening' movie. Even though you know the story it is still very entertaining. Christopher Plummer is brilliant,no wonder he got the Oscar nomination. It makes you glad not to be a Getty!

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Black Panther

all hype

(Edit) 26/06/2018

I was looking forward to this having seen exciting trailers but I was very dissapointed.

I don't know who the audience for this film is,it's not really sci fi,it's not really marvel and it's not very entertaining.

It makes casual racist comments about black and white groups without explanation ot context. My friend managed

to nod off half wayy through,says it all really.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Not as ggood as could have been

(Edit) 26/06/2018

I was looking forward to this as the original jumanji was so good. but this a bit poor as a sequel.

It had some lovely ideas but was poorly developed and rather patchy. The original kept empasising the rules of Jumanji which gave the whole film shape but this told you nothing,you worked it out as you went along and it didn't help to understand out what they had to do to get out. There was a brief homage to 'Alan Parrish' but was not explained so no one who had not seen the original would be completely lost. The ending did not explain the timeline sorting itself out. I have watched worse but I wouldn't bother seeing it again unlike the original.

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