Welcome to RP's film reviews page. RP has written 77 reviews and rated 1687 films.
It very much depends on how you like your spooky tales. For me, I am old school. Hammer House on tv, settle back and enjoy the slow burn. Shudder Originals can vary in style and I guess be a bit hit or miss. In this we have a tale of murder. But by whom? When we discover the truth and the murderer is asked 'yes but why didn't you just....' the audience will all nod in agreement. But where is the horror in that?
The blind sister of a murder woman visits the house where her sister died. She is a bit of a psychic. But without the slow burn and the gradual reveal. We probably already have guessed what could have gone on. But then you have a wooden monster added to the mix. Well it is all very nice and simple and almost spooky. Enough to enjoy on a Saturday night like the old Hammer House tv series.
First of all if you have much idea about the film when you first enter its World. Then you know what type of visuals and fantasy you are going to get. The opening scene gives a clear idea and the story than enters its expected arc of characters and situations. All works well and is clear. Then it Is repeated and if you weren't sure about where this is going. It goes again. Enter another character and oh the same situation. Then again. Yes we get it and it was fine the first few times. But explain the same thing a dozen times doesn't make it clever.
If you enjoyed the first part. Managed to stay awake during the oft repeated scenes and circumstances in the bloated middle. Then we can pass onto the end third which again adds interest and is fun and well dramatised and characterised. In the end a really good film is slightly spoilt by the endless (even if is does end it feels endless) middle that actually does harm to the flow of the characters. Or at least the lead character. Two and a quarter hours could have been half an hour shorter at least and made the film all the better for it.
The Monster is attitude. Our own, our fear, our fear of what others will think. The excuses we give to each other and to ourselves. Our need to belong and need to be individual. Our need to be understood and our need to be rebellious. How we wish the monster would just accept us for who we are and what we think. Instead the Monster just keeps on growing knowing that we will just cover up what it is even if it does more harm than good.
The film starts off by suggesting that the behaviour and change in that behaviour of a school pupil could be down to a teachers bullying. As the film goes on incidents are replayed from different points of view and explanations become blurred. There is no easy answer and no easy ending. But the film does offer hope that one day our Monsters and attitudes to each other will change for the better.
All singing and all dancing tale of of a family who runs away from the City to set up a hotel in the country. Yes the dancing and singing are awful. But then they are supposed to be. The characters are weak and have their problems. Plus the guests in the hotel tend not to last very long. It shouldn't work but it really does. To describe all that goes on would spoil the ultimate ending which makes the sort of sense the rest of the film does. But leaves the viewer with a smile and a nod that families that stick together have a chance of making it in a World that doesn't work.
Made in 2001 with a mix of animation models thrown in, the film would have passed many of us by. So to be given a chance to see it is a joy. Like the family themselves. Struggling with every day. Ultimately it Is up to you to sing and dance and stick together. It is up to you to provide the happiness.
The writers took a gamble in the final season and personally I am not sure it paid off. The first half of the season was up to the standards of previous seasons. Full of fights and intrigue. But then we end up with a bit of a whimper. It works well enough but feels a bit empty. Another betrayal, another we saw that coming moment. Without the glue to keep it all together it ends up a bit of a sticky mess.
A classic series that will be remembered for some time. But the final season felt a few episodes too far.
I wasn't sure about renting the film. But hey might as well take a bite to see if it is worth sucking up. In the end I really enjoyed it. Yes it is pure nonsense. Renfield is the old familiar of Dracula. But he wants to live a different life. We all become bored of the old familiar surroundings. But will he be allowed to? The supporting cast is great and the tone is just right. Over the top and silly but with enough to entertain the more serious among us.
One of the rare films that the cast seemed to enjoy making and the viewer should enjoy going a long with it too.
Great actors and a great story and um that's it. Not sure I ever believed any of the contrived moments that were supposed to pull emotions out of the deluge. Very disappointing when there was so much on offer.
There are elements in this film that make more sense when you have read the synopsis of what it is all about. The confusion of being very young and the sudden departure of adults or adult. But as a horror is just doesn't ever become spooky enough to fully work. There are moments the viewer is hoping for some boring horror cliche but they never come and we are left with distorted camera angles and grainy pictures. Then something could be happening but then doesn't.
A few moments when we go upstairs could have been more chilling. But it doesn't work other than a bit confusing. Oh hang on the synopsis says so that must mean etc etc. Never makes it to interesting enough to care. A good idea that will be on somebodies list of head scratching films. Otherwise a hard watch to keep the mind interested.
As good as anything the UK or US thrillers have thrown up in spy and espionage series. The plot is simple enough but you invest in the characters on both sides. Will they wont they be successful. Will they be foiled. Who exactly can be trusted? Both Season one and Two are worth watching.
Karen Gillan plays dual characters. Nothing unusual in the plot but it is well done and acted. What is life and how valuable is it. At what point does life begin to be more important than the quality. Why would happen if you could literally pay for a substitute you to take over after death? Many of us wouldn't mind a substitute before death but then that is another film. Nicely done without too many surprises.
Dead For A Dollar is a by the numbers Western full of the scenes we have seen in other Westerns. That doesn't mean it is not an enjoyable watch. The stereotypical plot, the twist, the baddies, the revenge. Oh and the scene with the heroine in the bath tub. All great Western tropes. A man is hired to track down a wife who was taken by a man. But then the obvious twists occur. Ending with the nonsensical shootout that doesn't actually make much sense.
However it is all good fun and the usual dollop of gun play and stereotypical characters. If you like westerns don't let this one pass you by. But don't expect that many shocks.
First of all it is a good season without being spectacular. The problem is either you love the idea of cross over episodes that have been done by other shows many times. Or you wish Buffy The Vampire Slayer had made a mess of the musical episode they did all those years ago and we wouldn't have to put up with every show wanting to jump on the idea. If however you can forget all that and just enjoy the episodes for what they are. Then the series has enough in it for it to continue the legacy of Star Trek.
This is set before the original series. So that in itself is fun seeing the characters we all know and love before we knew and love them. Worth a watch and fun. If at times a little like walking over the same path.
Interesting and informative biography of arguably the best female singer/story teller there has ever been. Her struggles with the era of segregation in the South of the US to her acts of charity for Aids. To her bringing the Gangsta RAP stars of the time for a little talking to. Her work for education etc and the tragedy of losing relatives. Throughout it all we have the taking heads of the good and powerful telling us how much of a fan they are. But you do have a feeling that even through her financial problems she isn't a lady who takes praise or setbacks for too long. So many great songs are played throughout the film and in the end it is a great film to enjoy. Often these sort of things can be too earnest and over simpering. But this works well and along with the lady herself has a great light sense of humour running through out.
One of the better films dealing with a favourite singer.
After ten seasons it is fair to say that The Blacklist had some really great moments. Arguably it could have ended a few seasons back. But despite it all the final season is a deserving final flourish. The real villains are those that are career politicians. Pretending to want make the World a better place but just driving it further down into the sewer. While America's most wanted was after all trying to make himself stronger while using the system to put away his competitors. A murderer and villain with a heart of gold. Although he didn't mind what he did to keep the gold.
In the end the chase become more important than the prize. We will probably miss Raymond Reddington and the way James Spader portrayed him. He was the star of a show that kept on telling the same sort of story each week and then showed up with a few surprises. A good series and characters. However after ten seasons it is the right time to close The Blacklist.
When the original book came out. It was a sensation. When the film came out it was a sensation. I have it on DVD and the extended version and it still works. The films that followed never quite hit home but a sequence in one, the nurse walking across the corridor followed by.....oh the chills. So naturally we should be cynical about this film. It will never be able to hold onto the coat tails of the original. After all we live in times where everybody is possessed. Every bill we receive fills us with shock and fear. Every person who is supposed to help us feels possessed by greed. The past is literally rewritten so as not to shock us with the attitudes of the past. So how can a film like this manage to survive without us just dismissing it.
The acting is brilliant and so too are some of the speeches. The introduction of a couple of old characters does feel good. But it stands and falls by the belief that those affected and in need of exorcism are genuine. Here the young actresses are just wonderful. The adults around them give a fine supporting belief. Yes we should be cynical and yes the film will never live up to the original. But is it a good scary and entertaining film? I thoroughly enjoyed it. For me the fear or everyday life scares me more. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good horror.