Film Reviews by CD

Welcome to CD's film reviews page. CD has written 191 reviews and rated 195 films.

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Valhalla Rising

Atmospheric and beutifully shot

(Edit) 14/03/2025

I was impressed with this film. It is a kind of Viking "Heart of Darkness" with a strong existentialist element around alienation, isolation and moral absurdity. The actors and the settings are magnificent, with quite lengthy camera shots and silences interweaved with moments of great violence. The young actor alongside Mads Mikkelsen is excellent, but so are the whole cast. Not a film for everyone, but if you like brooding medieval historical epics with great camera work and landscapes, but not much dialogue, you may like this one.

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The Virgin Spring

Atmospheric and Moving

(Edit) 09/03/2025

This is great film that, as with the Seventh Seal, really evokes the 14th century and medieval Sweden. The acting is great and the characters introduced really add to the narrative. Some of the lighting and screenshots, with the black and white format are brilliant, and the story is suitably dramatic and moving. The end is really superb and unexpected.

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The Northman

Strong on Ritual but lacks Momentum

(Edit) 16/02/2025

This film is certainly well-rated by the critics. I found it very interesting in its detail around Viking rituals, but the plot, main characters and pacing let the film down. The fighting is predictably gory, and the landscapes and cinematic photography, especially in Iceland, are occasionally magnificent. Worth a watch as a Viking saga with a bit of a difference, praised for its authenticity and detail.

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The Romance of Astrea and Celadon

A remarkable but slow moving romance

(Edit) 16/02/2025

This film is fairly unique and is magnificent in parts. The beautiful pastoral scenery and setting in 5th century Gaul, complete with shepherds/ shepherdesses, nymphs and a druid is captivating. However, this is mainly a film about love, romance and faithfulness and comes across as a bit slow and stilted at times. It is in French with sub-titles and the young actors do a good job. Recommended for those who like romances and are seeking a relaxing evening (with beautiful birdsong in the film's background soundtrack).

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La Chimera

Absorbing but overlong

(Edit) 12/01/2025

Definitely a 4 star film for the first 60 mins but the film loses direction and it is very long. The casting is great and the locales and quirkiness introduced into many scenes really works well. Josh O'Connor puts in a great performance and I like the avoidance of easy cliches in the plot, and in the relationships within the film. I am sufficiently impressed to seek out other films by this director and those involving the lead actors from this one.

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Late Night with the Devil

Only Partly Watched - Very Disappointing Horror

(Edit) 05/01/2025

This film has some good critical reviews but I could not get into it, in spite of some effort. The 1970s TV format makes it all very tacky, the characters seem to be caricatures and the scenarios quite predictable. I gave up within 30mins so it would be unfair to judge the whole film on a partial watch, but nothing make an impact on me

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Anatomy of a Murder

Classic Court Room Drama

(Edit) 01/01/2025

This is a film which is very highly rated by critics, and it is indeed classy in all aspects. It is however rather long and as a 1959 film (in black and white) is sometimes quite old-style in its language and terminology. James Stewart is in top form and the supporting cast is very strong. There is enough drama in the courtroom to keep the momentum at a good level throughout, which is impressive in itself as one never sees any flashback to the "crime" itself. It also cleverly gets away from one-dimensional "good" and "bad" in the characters and has some memorable quotes on human nature, especially from Stewart's character. The added bonus is the music directed by Duke Ellington and the great man appearing himself in one scene. Highly recommended.

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Seraphim Falls

Good acting but very limited storyline

(Edit) 29/12/2024

Brosnan in particular puts in a great acting performance and is ably partnered by Neeson and well supported by the rest of the cast. There is some great screenplay in picturesque western mountain and plains' scenery, but the limited dimension of the plot - revenge for an incident in the past - is not really interesting enough and the film loses momentum before the end. Still worth a watch though and I'll be looking out for Brosnan in future westerns.

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Salem's Lot

Enjoyable and Creepy

(Edit) 20/12/2024

The actors and director do a great job with this superior Stephen King novel. The plot is changed slightly but this does not detract from an excellent vampire horror film. David Soul is just right for the lead role and James Mason is great as the sinister antique dealer. The horror effects, while quite basic in modern horror terms, are well done, and the New England backdrop works well (as it does in a lot of Stephen King novels). The film is very well paced and never drags. Highly recommended.

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Point Break

High Octane but disappointing

(Edit) 20/12/2024

The sky-diving action sequences in this film are stunning and the link in the plot to the surfing world adds to the interest of this film. Unfortunately the casting does not work that well with Keanu Reeves and his fellow cop, although the chemistry is much stronger between Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. The plot is rather unbelievable (the surfers make 30 bank robberies before hitting serious problems), but the action sets with car chases, quite a lot of shooting and the sky-diving and surfing make this movie more watchable. It seems a long film and suffers a but from being a bit of buddy movie, a police movie and an action thriller. The music is good in a 1990s way. Overall worth a watch.

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The Sixth Sense

Fine drama

(Edit) 08/12/2024

This film gets great reviews and I can see why. The casting and acting is great, and the film has a sadness and emotion running though it that reminds me a little of the 1990 Film "Ghost" (starring Patrick Swayze). It's not particularly scary but is certainly unsettling. I found it an engrossing watch, well directed and superbly paced. Highly recommended.

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Dead for a Dollar

Enjoyable modern western

(Edit) 08/12/2024

The quality of the lead actors compensates for some issues in the casting of the supporting roles and the plot. This film does not get great reviews but with Walter Hill directing and Christoph Waltz, Rachel Brosnahan, and Willem Dafoe making the most of the key scenes, it is very watchable. The plot is to its credit not predictable, but is not very credible. Altogether worth a view with the added fun of seeing most of the filmset aiming to look like Mexico.

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All the Money in the World

Moving and well acted

(Edit) 24/11/2024

This is a poignant and sad film with enough action and drama to make it a good watch. The casting is good and action is sufficient to keep it all moving. It seems to stay true to many of the reported real events but Ridley Scott also brings out the relationship that Getty jr. develops with one of the kidnappers, Getty sr.'s interest in Roman civilisation, and a few of his business principles that had an impact on how he dealt with the crisis. Michelle Williams is fantastically determined as the mother and is the real hero of the story. Overall well worth an evening's viewing.

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Source Code

Superbly directed and acted

(Edit) 20/11/2024

This film is highly rated by many critics and I can see why.  Brilliantly directed, great acting, intriguing storyline and wonderful screenplay with amazing shots of Chicago especially at the start and the end of the film.  Underneath is a moving story and some ethical and human questions that make this much more than an action thriller on a train.

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Lady Macbeth

Atmospheric dark tale

(Edit) 06/11/2024

this is a very well acted but dark tale of singlemindedness, with little thought from the lead character to the consequences. The real success is in the creation of mood and atmosphere, as the plot and  dialogue are minimal and we learn little of the characters.  The filmset in the house is great but the film casting is odd - it sometimes works but in several cases does not.  Why cast an actor in the husband role who has such a significantly different regional accent to his father?  I cannot say that it is a great film but Florence Pugh gives a great performance and it is a worthwhile watch. 

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