Film Reviews by CD

Welcome to CD's film reviews page. CD has written 189 reviews and rated 193 films.

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We Are the Night

A great film with tender moments

(Edit) 26/02/2018

Thoroughly enjoyed this film which has some great vampirish horror and special effects but many surprisingly touching and poignant moments. Acting is excellent and the story races along - highly recommended

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Worth a watch but rather slow moving

(Edit) 21/02/2018

The film falls between different genres and is not really strong enough on plot, characters or action to be really memorable. It is also very slow moving, not helped by the difficulty in actually hearing what the cast is saying! Still, some good characterisation and the outback backdrop is interesting.

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A United Kingdom

"Worthy" Film but slightly old style

(Edit) 21/02/2018

I know several people who loved this film. For me, it was a worthy but rather predictable film that was mainly of interest for the Botswana background rather than the characters. I really tried to like it and stick with it, but unfortunately it did not capture my whole interest - well worth a watch though if you like good acting and a positive story.

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47 Meters Down

Just good enough to keep the interest

(Edit) 21/02/2018

The film lacks a true spark, but it has enough thrills and spills to keep you watching. I like some of the determination and ingenuity from the girls - but you have to wonder why they ever wanted to go on the boat in the first place, let alone in a rusty shark cage!

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The South

Very atmospheric but rather slow moving

(Edit) 09/02/2018

I agree with other reviewers that this is an enjoyable and beautifully shot film but for me it dragged a bit in the second half - it becomes rather claustrophobic around the limited character set but the relationships are subtly portrayed - well worth a look.

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The Blair Witch Project

Still Disturbing nearly 20 years on

(Edit) 21/01/2018

I rate this film very highly having watched it about three times over the last 15 years. The gradual disintegration of the group of 3 is really powerful and the performances by the actors are brilliant. A growing sense of menace is built up throughout the film, without any cheap gore or effects - thoroughly recommend for the discerning horror buff

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T2: Trainspotting

Brilliantly directed and acted

(Edit) 21/01/2018

Not the sort of film I usually like, but the acting is great and the sheer bravado of the directing and amazing zany effects and music are worth watching even if you don't like the plot. I was not really a fan of Ewan McGregor before this but I can see why people rate him so highly now. He has a fantastic "speech" just after half way that is almost a parody of other great speeches, but really works.

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Ambitious and Worth Watching

(Edit) 18/01/2018

The film for me fell between not having enough dialogue and characterisation while also not having enough of interest in the action sequences. An ambitious film in that there is not really a key lead, and it does not have a strong thread to any particular friendship or love theme. There are some great actors on display and one feels the enormous importance of Dunkirk as an event, but it needed more of a spark.

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Hail, Caesar!

Hugely enjoyable - great acting

(Edit) 06/01/2018

Don't be discouraged by some of the less than positive reviews. I have seen almost all the Coen Bros films and I rate this one highly. If you enjoy a nostalgic Hollywood theme with great acting from Brolin and Clooney in particular, then you should relish this.

I felt the pacing of the whole film was great and the communist interlude was a fun side plot which I felt worked well, and gave Clooney further chance to show what a great comic actor he is. Brolin's fixer character is really memorable - his speaking style reminds me a bit of Nick Nolte at times.

The locale is interesting, lovely views of the California coast and some great characters floating in and out. Overall fun for a relaxing weekend.

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