Film Reviews by IB

Welcome to IB's film reviews page. IB has written 6 reviews and rated 170 films.

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Minions: The Rise of Gru

Nice animation, just not funny

(Edit) 08/12/2022

Like the first Minions film, takes the laughs out of Despicable Me and replaces it with, well nothing much. Goes on, there is some mild suspense and not much else.

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Reuniting the Rubins

Not a sum of it's parts

(Edit) 08/12/2022

Contains some good actors, not properly used in a paper thin plot. Half of the characters are difficult to invest in and offer little.

Don't bother.

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(Edit) 08/12/2022

Truly, truly appalling. Waste of your time and Disney's money.

Would rather they had the dalmation's back story

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Wild Target


(Edit) 08/12/2022

Bill Nighy and Emily Blunt make an interesting twist on the professional assassin genre. Worth watching for Martin Freemans smile.

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The Queen's Corgi

Should be put down

(Edit) 08/12/2022

so very awful. Nothing to recommend it. Also includes Ray Winstone playing Ray Winstone again. Not funny

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Appalling travesty

(Edit) 26/08/2021

If I could give this film a negative number of stars I would. It takes the source material, cuts great parts out, leaves parts in with no explanation and generally messes about with the original in ways that should never have been allowed.

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