Welcome to Rm's film reviews page. Rm has written 15 reviews and rated 709 films.
If there was a message here they lost it. Maybe it was poor acting or just a forced message that they failed to deliver. I dont know to be honest, but it fails on all levels. A rather painful viewing experience.
A great comedy that keeps you laughing through out. It uses that great British quirky self depreciating sense of humour and rounds it all off rather tidily. It's a great real story and this film gives it the credit that it deserves.
Sorely disappointed with this. I didn't managed to feel any connection with the characters here, and certainly no affection . The film starts slow and doesn't really warm up until the end which, does have some moments of levity. Perhaps this is how it really was, but this is a film based on the truth, and not the real truth. A truly missed opportunity to create an entertaining cutesy that the British do so well.
I'd never even heard of this series before but the film is perfectly watchable without knowing anything else. It starts off really well but does slow a bit as it decends into some serious violence. But overall a decent and fascinating film about Essex drug culture with some hardened and realistic characters. There's an extension clip during the credits which completes the story.
I don't understand the patchy reviews for this film. It followed the book closely and developed the characters beautifully.
This is a rather confusing and depressing film. If there was a message to be found here I didn't find it.
A great British production filmed around beautiful Richmond and Hampton Court. Beattie Edmondson plays the slightly erratic and amusing new owner of Patrick, and you can't help but find her outlook and mannerisms adorable. I can see how some people might think it's a bit light, but if you want a feel good movie, and something to make you smile, you really couldn't do better than this chirpy little gem.
I'm not quite sure where to start on this one. The plot is confusing, if not plain daft, and the whole concept of the film just doesn't work on any levels. Some of the effects were quite clever but overall it looks cheaply produced and filmed.
The acting was indifferent and you never really develop any love for the characters. Natalie Portman couldn't save this and won't have done herself any favours taking the role.
This was a mixed up, shouty and irritating film. I somehow made it to the end thinking that perhaps I had missed a trick...I hadn't.
I rather enjoyed this, in fact preferring it to the first one in many ways. The humour is good and it keeps going all the way to the end. There's loads of action and the self depreciating and sarcastic way it is done makes this a fun watch. I thought the "Lucky" character was an inspired idea. Don't miss the extra clips after the credits.
There was so many good laughs in the first half hour or so I was wondering how I had missed this film before. Unfortunately it all come to a juddering halt after that with some rather cringe worthy scenes revolving around a stripper and then a camp fire. It's one of those films that really could have been a classic but then they just ran out of ideas. Shame really.
I was a bit concerned that this might be a wincing disaster, but no, I was wrong. While it starts a bit slow it steadily sucks you in until you're intrigued to find out what happens next. The plot throws you around from laughter to sadness, but it just works. This could so easily have gone so wrong, but a superb cast and some tidy editing bring it all to a very satisfying conclusion. Make sure you have some tissues around btw, but don't worry, it's mainly for the laughter and the wonderful sentiment.
This important and relatively unknown story deserved a better platform than this film. I will admit though that it was beautifully filmed and featured some stunning locations. The character Michael (Oscar Isaac) was so unnecessarily ridiculous that it took away from the real horror of what happened. You start off thinking he's ok and then slowly he detracts from the film as you end up shouting at him and not caring whether he lives or dies. This was a wasted opportunity and a rather painful watch for all the wrong reasons.
A beautifully acted and directed film. The films sucks you in with a rare tenderness while remaining honest and interesting. There's some great one-liners in it as well. Its been a long time since I saw a film this well put together.
I was wary about seeing this film after being more and more disappointed by the franchise as it's been going on. We were pleasantly surprised and thought it was a complete return to form. I'd rate it close to the first film with the added benefit of Orlando Bloom only being on the screen for a few minutes.
There are some great comedy moments and the film seemed to trot along at an enjoyable pace. The plot was solid and made sense rather than some of the previous ramblings.
This was a very pleasant 2 hours of decent family viewing . I'm ready for the next film now which is more than I can say I felt after some of the last offerings.