Film Reviews by CH

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Really stupid

(Edit) 22/01/2021

There is no rhyme or reason to this film. Apart from the fact that Rachel's family all seem to be selfish, vague and half-witted, the Russell Crowe character is ridiculously overdone. We are supposed to believe that he could beat up and kill a man in a diner without any of the onlookers thinking to call the police. Then he proceeds to terrify Rachel by demanding one silly thing after another and she goes along with it when all she had to do is to turn her phone off and drive to the nearest police station. I daresay US police may not be too good, but I'm sure they're a bit quicker on the uptake than this. I suppose Russell Crowe was paid quite a lot for this but it's too stupid for words. Falling Down would presumably have been the model, but that was a far better film.

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