Film Reviews by jl

Welcome to jl's film reviews page. jl has written 10 reviews and rated 26 films.

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Upright: Series 1

Piano land survival with a camel and a kanger and a kooky cast.

(Edit) 01/03/2023

It started slowly and then a glimpse of humour and a growing involvement. The short 30 minute episodes helped and we got involved and stayed in till the end. Nice performance especially the young girl. Minchin wears well and a road trip through the outback is what you want on cold English winter eve.

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Requiem for a Village

Superb elegy to the disappearing way of life of generations of Suffolk country folk.

(Edit) 13/03/2020

I live in Suffolk so I'm prejudiced. Now the land is under continual threat from greedy developers this very special area of the country seems defenceless to fight this plague. When this started with new roads back in the 70s it was just a glimpse of what was coming. The subtle way this film is constructed and acted superbly by the villagers themselves in their own village has strong reasonblance to Cider with Rosie, but without the sentiment. More like thomas hardy. The intercutting with the past and present/ future works well. The beauty and peace and the dramas played out as life's passage I found dramatic and startling. Pity Gladwell didn't go oiin to make many more like this. 

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L.A. Confidential

A fine piece of homage to another era.

(Edit) 04/06/2019

A truly excellent piece of movie noir. Modern and period clever but not flashy. Great acting by a superior caste including the great Kevin Spacey. Cynical and funny well edited and very entertaining.

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Holy Smoke

A Disturbing and minority film

(Edit) 17/12/2018

I found this film somehow unconvincing, and I was of a generation that this was a common trip from Australia for those seeking enlightenment. The mannered acting was mainly the problem for me. But... I didn't get to the end .

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The Princess Bride

Old fashioned yarn fun and familiar

(Edit) 19/11/2018

Surprising how this film jogs old memories of grimes tails. some nice cameos and a wonderful man made world of lakes and trees and lots of harmless sword action. Funny

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Imperial War Museum: Close Quarters

Very precise quietly dramatic perfectly British

(Edit) 06/10/2018

This was a personal journey for me to see my father's debut directorial project. Jack Lee went on to make feature films after the war, and this film showed his understated attention to detail and the real feel he had for the times. His love of black and white photography using light and nature to highlight the drama. While this film has a limited interest now, the incredible design of the submarines the little bits of humour from the actual seaman who went down in those small vessels now seem so unlikely and yet inspiring.

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(Edit) 10/09/2018

A thoughtful minor piece I felt. Somehow I felt she lived a somewhat exclusive life without any visible means of support and background.

Like all these slightly dreamy films they leave you feeling a bit bereft and wanting to know more, and the end was just that.

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A Man Called Ove

Swedish humour with love

(Edit) 28/03/2018

Swedish humour to the core, moving thoughtful and touching. It's Saab versus Volvo, kind of one foot in the grave with Nordic tendencies. I loved it and it made me chuckle. It sticks in the memory which I think gives it a 7/10.

Well caste and directed. The kind of film I wish I could show my deceased parents and say I understand, but I'm 70 now so I better watch out before they try and take me away. In other words don't become a grumpy old man, and like Ove let things happen.

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A Journey Through French Cinema

a personal journey through the complex history of french cineastes

(Edit) 28/03/2018

Betrand Tavernier is a french cineaste thru and thru. He was a nouvelle vague man and he nows where all the emotions and clips are to be found.

This a very compressed and detailed documentary, personal and selective. Very enjoyable, I need really to have a copy to go back and forwards and rewind the parts I couldn't keep up with. Its hard to read subtitles and watch all the clips at the same moment!

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Outlander: Series 1

suspension of disbelief

(Edit) 29/01/2018

Having watched series 1 so far, its a great piece of fantasy romantic drama, lots of kilts and hills and sunny vista Scotland, only the occasional bad day, and no mention of the midgies! Some pretty grim violence dealt out by the horrid English, the brilliant Kilty boys taking it and giving back the repost. Well acted nicely shot, good music and editing. The series ending in a nick of time escape to France and a chance for some hot frock action no doubt. A perfect winter evening escape with a few moments of cushion hiding behind.

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