Film Reviews by PC

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More war than horror

(Edit) 20/03/2019

Although I enjoyed the film, it was not quite the fun that was promised in the trailer. At least two thirds of the story is a war film, and quite effective one at that. Those waiting for the horror element may feel a bit shortchanged and when it occurs it's not the most original. I do like the mixing up of the genres and this still as its moments.

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Goosebumps 2

Not as good as the first film

(Edit) 20/03/2019

The first film was a big budget enjoyable monster movie but this feels more like a straight to DVD sequel. The special effects are more workmanlike and the story is very thin. However, the actors try their best and it has some funny moments, also Jack Black's role is merely a cameo.

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Small Foot

Good family fun

(Edit) 20/03/2019

Though not groundbreaking in any way, this is an easygoing and enjoyable animation with plenty of laughs for children (it makes no allowances for parents watching with their kids). It has a good message and bright animation.

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Usual BBC Standards

(Edit) 20/03/2019

This is a good looking and well acted drama with the usual BBC standards in production. I would say that the storyline is a little dated but you have to expect that because of when it was written. If you find it a little slow at the start, stick with it as it picks up in the second half as the thriller elements kick in.

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My Week with Marilyn

Enjoyable 'true' story

(Edit) 13/03/2019

Not sure why all the negative comments about Michelle Williams' portrayal of Marilyn Monroe, I thought it showed all the different aspects of her character, insecure but still quite manipulative. Eddie Redmayne plays Eddie Redmayne and Kenneth Branagh is very good as Laurence Oliver. I think the whole story has to be taken with a pinch of salt, it is one person's view of what happened that cannot be verified by anybody else. I enjoyed it but mainly as an interesting look at film making at that time.

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Juliet, Naked

Enjoyable romantic comedy

(Edit) 13/03/2019

As a fan of Nick Hornby, I was looking forward to this adaption and it was enjoyable, if not one of the best adaptions from his works (see High Fidelity for that). All the actors play their parts very well, especially Chris O'Dowd whose character in someone else's hands could have been an unlikeable idiot. Don't watch if you are expecting a laugh a minute rom com, Hornby stories cover much more and are better for it.

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Superbly acted adaption

(Edit) 13/03/2019

I was deciding which version of Othello to watch and felt uncomfortable with the older film versions with blacked up actors. I chose this mainly because of Ian Mckellen and it was a good choice, he is great and the other actors are very good. Be aware that this is basically a filmed version from the stage but I did not short changed by this as the story keeps you gripped.

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(Edit) 13/03/2019

This is a very simple story, girl gets left a dog and learns to love it, this is it really. The dog is actually very cute and Beattie Edmondson is very likeable as the lead. It's quite nice seeing alot of British TV actors and you will probably be on IMDB checking what else they have been in. This is your basic Sunday afternoon movie for all the family, just don't expect too much.

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The Crucible

Thought provoking drama

(Edit) 13/03/2019

I have managed to miss this film version so thought I would finally give it a go and I was not disappointed. As a drama, it can sometimes be a bit theatrical, especially in the scenes of hysteria amongst the girls but this a very slight criticism that kept me interested throughout. Daniel Day Lewis and Paul Scofield are great and the portrayal of how reasonable people react to hysteria is very well portrayed.

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The Equalizer 2

Better than the first!

(Edit) 07/02/2019

I actually preferred this to the original, which was far too long and lacked any suspense. Lets be honest, this is a basic action thriller which is seriously enhanced by the presence of Denzel Washington. The plot is very flimsy but it moves at a reasonable pace and the action scenes are effectively done.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Good fun but may be scary for really young

(Edit) 02/02/2019

Although not highly original, it is quite nice to get a family film with real scares and creepy moments, although this may be a bit scary for the younger viewers. It moves along at a good pace and has good use of old fashioned effects rather than constant CGI. Jack Black plays Jack Black but Cate Blanchett is great fun as his neighbour and sparring partner.

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The Darkest Minds

Generic but likeable

(Edit) 02/02/2019

This may not offer any great surprises, reprising elements from Hunger Games and most other teen dystopian films. However, the leads are likeable and there is some enjoyable set pieces. I would quite look forward to the sequel they leave open for at the end.

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Enjoyable poignent kids adventure

(Edit) 31/10/2018

Your level of enjoyment may depend on your ability to suspend belief and accept all the coincidences that occur to bring both storylines together. The cast are great, especially Millicent Simmonds in the silent section from the twenties. Some may find it a hit cloying but it has a fantastical element I enjoyed.

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Ocean's 8

Enjoyable and slick

(Edit) 31/10/2018

This is an enjoyable heist movie but the set up is definitely more entertaining than the final robbery. It doesn't quite have the zip of oceans eleven but better than the sequels.

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Penny Dreadful: Series 1

Enjoyable goth horror

(Edit) 31/10/2018

Although it takes a little while to get going, once all the elements start coming together it moves a fair pace. It cleverly brings some new characters with literary classical characters like Victor Frankenstein and Dorian Gray. The real star is Eva Green who steals every scene she is in and although there are lots of sex and violence, there is nothing that anybody would find offensive. It definitely left me wanting to see the later series.

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