Film Reviews by AN

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moving and beautifully acted

(Edit) 08/06/2017

This tale of an intersex teenager living in a tiny Uruguyan seaside town is done with huge sensitivity, understanding and psychological depth I recommend it as a film to be seen. It could so easily have been sensational and/or sentimental but it was just very moving and affecting and beautifully acted.

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Inspector Nardone: Series

inspector nardone delight

(Edit) 23/09/2015

This is a charming, gently humorous, entirely non threatening Italian detective series. A contrast to the maverick Montelbano who reigns supreme, but highly re4commended

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Las Acacias

Las acacias

(Edit) 29/12/2014

This was a true delight. A small, delicately depicted moment in life that said so much and is exquisitely acted

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