Film Reviews by DJ

Welcome to DJ's film reviews page. DJ has written 6 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Sister Act

Sisteract is brilliant

(Edit) 29/12/2020

It is wonderful. It has some laughs but it is mainly thoughtful feel good stuff. It works especiallly well during holiday times. Do watch it or buy it

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WPC 56: Series 3

WP56 Series 3

(Edit) 16/09/2019

This is excellent. It reminds us how much our World has changed. I liked that it also offered a picture of the truth about the "Dixon of dock Green " era

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WPC 56: Series 1

WPC56 Series 1

(Edit) 03/09/2019

I did love this.

I thought it was interesting and thoughtful.

I did find some of the plot linking events a little stretched.

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Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Series 5


(Edit) 10/12/2018

I like this series. However it does seem to duck some of the general issues of NYC cops. Issues like racism

Of course crime dramas are not 100% true to life

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Top Hat

Top Hat hat great dancing dsiapointing movie

(Edit) 07/12/2018

I took this move out because I was curious about the genre.

They are indeed impressive dancers

However it should have been possible have got more laughs from the comic mistaken id premise

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The Fugitive: Series 2

The Fugitive

(Edit) 01/05/2018

It is a very thougthful series. The premise is not that plausable. It is interesting to see the Social history elements. EG smoking

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