Film Reviews by FS

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(Edit) 26/02/2025

What a beautifully acted, shot film

This is a love story that leads us through covid times & back into memories of a long lost lover set in 1970's London. The main character lead is brilliantly acted as a shy young student falling in love big time. It's understated, the attention to detail & quality of cinematography feels strongly rooted in a partiular genre of European film tradition:  unhurried , where detail is deliberate & thoughtful in script, acting & cinematography. 

A recognition that the spaces inbetween what is not said hold wieght & significance throughout this gentle determined quest in frail health /old age to find a past lover.

I enjoyed every second!

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Don't Worry Darling

A Missed Opportunity

(Edit) 21/06/2023

Very slick visually.....lots of bright shiny hyper-artificial Americana of a 1950's ish era .....but where was the content?

The basic premise - this is revealed all too briefly towards the end - involving AI/avatar/weird misogynistic cult propping up angry men scared of women having equality, sort of thing......yeah... that old chestnut yet again.

Anyway.... it was so dull - once you got past the glossy Stepford wives scenario  - the potential of the basic idea, which could have been developed into a gripping thriller given the current worries about AI, just didn't go anywhere.

It remained super predictable, very tired indeed.

All that hype/money to produce a film like this but desperately lacking creative imagination.

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The Quiet Girl


(Edit) 13/06/2023

Beautifully observed, subtle, understated . A delightful poetic tender film.  For me it really captured a very particular time in childhood , with a strong sense of place and attention to detail.  The naturalistic pared back soundtrack was perfect and I loved listening to the Gaelic language.

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Good Luck to You, Leo Grande


(Edit) 21/05/2023

A great script and acting.  Nuanced & funny & so very spot on at portraying a very particular kind of buttoned-up middle aged woman finally deciding to summon the courage to live a little.  

Refreshing to see a film about the pleasure of sex /sensuality for a mature woman.  

Visually, it performs more like a play with almost the whole film shot in one location -it was never boring - testimony to the skill of the actors.

Themes of loneliness , human connection, the importance of intimacy, the rigid strictures of respectful behaviour suffocating/ stunting emotional growth, identity... & plenty of toe-curlingly awkward funny moments!

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Summer 1993

Wonderful wonderful!

(Edit) 13/03/2023

This was one of the best bits of film making I've seen for a very long time. I've been a fan of independent, particularly European films for many decades. 

The sparse naturalistic soundscape, the subtly of interplay between the characters was sensitive and hugely enjoyable.

Exceptional praise due to the incredible 2 girls who are the lead actors and who carry the whole film so beautifully.

I'd love to have seen this on the big screen and wish there were more of this genre and quality in our cinemas.

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