Welcome to MB's film reviews page. MB has written 6 reviews and rated 478 films.
Great film, incredibly bad transfer. Looks like they've taken it direct from one of their old poor quality VHS copies.
I cannot believe the drug lord didn't spot them as cops and shoot them the moment Jamie Foxx said 'If you didn't do time with me, you don't do crime with me'. Though the thing I really can't believe is that no one shot Colin Farrell just for this Lion-King-audition hair.
Disappointing failure to follow through on the title, with Jane being pushed to the margins so boys can play with guns instead. Really wish Lynne Ramsay had been able to stay with the project and make her version - at least that way we would have been spared the ludicrous 'happy' ending.
No better than the other Spider-Man movies, and certainly worse than some of them. He really should not have bothered coming home.
An astonishingly inept entry in Marvel's increasingly bland cinematic universe. The cheap-ass digital effects look like they were drawn in crayon by a rather untalented child who wasn't particularly paying attention to what he was doing. Maybe the M in MCU actually stands for Mediocre.
Like a remake of the fake Nazi propaganda movie in Inglourious Basterds, only it takes itself seriously.