Film Reviews by VW

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Not great

(Edit) 09/05/2024

Good cast & production values but there's no one to root for and no one to care about. It then becomes an exercise of sitting through gross amounts of violence and waiting for the next horrific murder.


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Resident Alien: Series 1

Odd running order.

(Edit) 10/04/2024

This is just to say that on the disc three I was sent the episodes were out of order so keep an eye out for that.

Loved the series, lots of laughs.

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Rome, Open City

Guess the dialogue

(Edit) 05/12/2023

The film was excellent but the subtitles were pretty ropey. I could guess some of the words or the jist of what was being said but it did take away from the experience.

Time to get a new version in perhaps ?

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The Flight Attendant: Series 2

Tricky second series.

(Edit) 27/10/2023

More of the same if you enjoyed the first series but too much, far too much.

I found this series quite hard to get through with no real urgency to get to the next episode and being grateful there was only 8 episodes.

I could have done with much less of Annie Mouradian (Zosia Mamet) and when she and Cassie share a scene it's headache inducing.

If I hadn't had the subtitles on I wouldn't have been able to understand what was being said.

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You Are My Sunshine

Pretty Terrible

(Edit) 11/10/2022

The script is woeful & the acting terrible. The entire thing is very amateurish.

Its heart is in the right place but that is the only nice thing I can say about it.

A disappointment considering the high rating.

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(Edit) 14/09/2022

I love a good action flick as much as the next person but this was just utter tripe. I didn't realise it was directed by Michael Bay or I wouldn't have wasted my time.

Plot holes, dumb decisions, characters as deep as a puddle and a terrible performance from Jake Gyllenhaal as a shouty psycho.

Two hours I won't get back. It WILL insult your intelligence.

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The Ottoman Lieutenant

Why bother ?

(Edit) 12/07/2021

Why was this film made ? It is awful. It feels like something that would be on Channel 5 mid-afternoon. Terrible.

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