Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 5 reviews and rated 6 films.
Why do directors who take on legendary books like Dune or LOTR think they know better than the authors? LOTR part 1 started out well enough but 2 started to diverge from the book storyline and by 3 was unrecognisable. And the same is happening with Dune. Where is Alia? It's either the longest pregnancy in history or Paul takes control of the Femen in record time. The rift between Paul and Chani is just made up. Who are the southern fundamentalists? Jessica never would have manoeuvred Paul into drinking the water of life. There is so much that's changed from the book to no good purpose that I'm not going to bother with 3
Appalling. The storyline was so small as to be invisible, and the film so padded with sugary schmaltz as to be unbearable. The little action that did occur was incomprehensible
About one hour and twenty seven minutes too long
Writing one hundred characters about something so empty is impossible
I have no idea what this film was attempting to communicate. It failed on every level. Neither scientifically accurate nor emotionally engaging. I regret watching to the end which I did in the hope that some revelation would ensue. It didn't. Not even a clue about whether our heroes mission was a success.
Film ruined for me by continual references to doing the kessel run in X parsecs. If they can't get the basics right I can't suspend my unbelief