Film Reviews by NC

Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.

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The Post

Not Presidents Men

(Edit) 12/08/2018

Old films look very slow these days, but would have preferred to have seen Dustin and Robert again to be fair. Is another loosely based on fact film. Hollywood have nobody with imagination any more? Lot of re-makes and very loosely based films abound, with expensive folks taking wages for old rope..............bring back Castaway and Money Pit and Terminal........not saying re-make! Just emulate the simplicity and entertainment..............

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Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Who is responsible?

(Edit) 12/08/2018

Never seen a film actually made. Presume director is to blame? How could you get Denzel and Farrell in a fairly ordinary film? The story is OK, the script is not the best, but is there to be worked on. It just lacks the flair and credibility.

Denzel is supposed to be almost a Rain-man type, but does not induce any empathy, Farrell is a hardcase top lawyer, but does not imply that he actually is.

All a bit wavy and drifty.

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All the Money in the World

Money = goes to pot.

(Edit) 13/08/2018

Money corrupts. Certainly when see what happened to a lot of the Getty family, it did. The son went to pot literally, and heroin etc.

Remember when lad was reported with ear cut off. Lived very near Sutton Place when Getty in residence, and did have a local rep as a skinflint.

Plummer stepped into the breach, but Kev would have made it his for sure. Shame we probably never see Spacey again, wonder if Dustin will escape the drum beaters?

Big surprise that the most self indulgent industry in the world has odd folks taking advantage of position and money. Plenty of wanabe stars willing to comply to get ahead. Will not repeat here how Madonna said she made the big time..............

Liked the statement of lady who tried to get Roache banged up. Went to his bungalow and he made certain obvious advances she was not happy about............the THIRD time she went there..................

Back to film. Is OK.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Princess outing benefit.

(Edit) 15/08/2018

If a big big fan of Starwars will watch anything in the format. Loads of dialogue, some PC graphics. Some sets worse than the very first Startrek ones. The rubber mask folk not even as good as the first one............there was only one Starwars............two was a stretch.......after that it was a boring.

Startrek managed to keep going because they kept some of the humour, and the characters, going well. The new Spock is eerie, and new Kirk is fun guy............Pegg lucky to nudge in for a few quick mill................

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Finding Your Feet

Oldies galore..........

(Edit) 16/08/2018

Not the best use of the old pals. Maybe too many oldies at once? Lady in van worked well. One top player at a time may be a good rule?

Bit simplistic in places. Lady has stage 4 cancer, takes a few tablets, sometimes a bit dizzy, then dies in sleep when on a 10 months wasting away in a Hospice then...........

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Father Figures

Loser by a nose

(Edit) 02/08/2018

Am sure Owen's nose has been altered to make it more bizarre. With the trendy half beard fuzz, rhe looks a bit of a mess.

Normal banter and running about. Odd extra money for a few folks. Waste of Symonds...............

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Phantom Thread

Daniel's swan song?

(Edit) 29/07/2018

DDL is great actor. No question. The girl in film, is a match. Lesley, the sister, is brilliant. The film is a bit pedestrian, and one tends to lose empathy with the characters, and how they live their lives. That was the day, but does not save the film.

Shame if this is DDL's last performance.

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Game Night

Jason's hot-tub-hangover.

(Edit) 28/07/2018

Jason does his normal professional job. Same in every film with the incredulous staring etc. He does it well. The rest is light and fluffy, and not too banal, although there are huge holes in the vague plot.

At least they dont swear all the time!

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Molly's Game

Jesse James again

(Edit) 14/07/2018

Suppose have to go for a 3 as Idris is good in it.

Supposedly based loosely on fact........bit like the drugs films, like Blow, tends to make heroes of people that make huge amounts of money out of criminal rip-off activities that ruin thousands of lives and families.

Jesse James again. He was a very nasty criminal. Billy the Kid shot people in the back, from a distance, with a rifle, then robbed them.

This lady scammed millions from an underworld activity including/using drugs and prostitution. The film then sets her up as some laudable example of how to pick yourself up, and make free money.............the American Dream!

All these films are about nasty people..........entertaining perhaps, but good role model??

Idris character excellent lawyer, made lot of money getting her off....................should have gone inside.............

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The Greatest Showman

Dynamic wolverine

(Edit) 14/07/2018

Had to give it a 4 as is so dynamic. Goes forward at a fair pace, and dancers are pretty excellent. Not really into any musicals, but have to give credit where is due.

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Vince in wrong film

(Edit) 20/06/2018

Vince can do this, but not in this film. The violence is not necessary. Roadrunner gone mental. Laurence Olivier with Dustin in his dentist chair in Marathon Man was way more threatening, and just stood there with a small tooth prong in his old hand.

It is films like this, with a decent budget, that think i can write...........if could not come up with a more imaginative story, and better script..........why do they keep copying old films. Papillon just been re-made, with guys that look slightly like Steve and Dustin. Why?...................

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Red Dragon

If 3 turned out to be 1...........

(Edit) 23/05/2018

Other review is quite right, the original Tooth Fairy was very crazy guy. So allowing for how long ago Manhunter was made, was a better film.

Odd to do a sequel film, that is in fact before previous two! Tony is good fun, and is easy money for him and Ralph.

Must agree with premise that Hollywood cannot come up with new ideas? Why keep doing re-makes of definitive originals? Sgt Bilko should have closed the box!

Catch odd film made in New Zealand or Canada, and sometimes even States, made on low budget, with no known actors, and can be quite unique. These can often hold the attention as much as the multi-million Starwars etc.

Wonder what the most hackneyed drawn out to double numbers is? Could be Saws, or Carry Ons.............. Mission Imposs are still rolling....................

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L.A. Vengeance

Waste of electric

(Edit) 24/05/2018

Old lags cannot resist free money. Trying to think of one redeeming feature. Story, dialogue, Bruce..........cannot come up with any. Bruce should seriously consider doing some different roles. He looks small, out of shape, with a right shoulder out of sync with the left.

Got away with Red, and Looper etc..........must be more fussy about what films he accepts............

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Trumptown, as opposed to Trumpton

(Edit) 27/05/2018

Frances could be a Brit, she has sufficient cred to be one. Miss Pettigrew effing a lot...........but that is mandatory in the States it appears....and in a lot of UK films now, alas.

Woody actually plays a fairly decent guy, although a redneck police chief, he does have an agreeable way with him. Almost a black comedy in parts.

Rated way higher in States than here, but still pretty well executed, and acting holds a bit more to film than town/folk authenticity. AS another write up says, could have been great if had spaced the heavy dialogue load with some nice downhome shots, and a bit more feel for Ebbing itself. Bit of perspective.

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At last a well acted film.

(Edit) 16/05/2018

No computer graphics, no exploding livers, yet can sit and watch all the way through without loss of concentration on what is going on. Used to be called "acting in films".

Combine film with Canada etc, which always seems to work well. Not a multi million dollar budget i suspect. Must really annoy Spielberg and Brad etc.

Saoirse is brilliant. With Julie Walters and Jim Broadbent would think she an old hand............ and they, of course, do the biz, as always. At least they given some decent lines for once............

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