Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.
Amazing about done to keep the same characteristics as the original cartoon. Some of the re-males are really better now, like Mirror Mirror, Snow White and Huntsman, Maleficent etc.
Very old and slow film by modern standards, and a bit adult here and there for little ones perhaps, but still has a certain charm about it.
Very well acted and crafted Brit film. A bit over lefty sometimes to make the socialisto point, but cannot fault the execution.
If liked 1 will like 2. Just find the films a bit banal. Reeves is deadpan all the way. Totally invincible to any bullets, so may as well have a coloured suit on. Suit up for Marvel.
None of the opposition can apparently shoot, and like to run at his bullets. How many guards do they have at any one house/event? Must have shot over 100 in quick succession. Mostly exploding heads for greater effects staff to do their thing.
At least in Transporter films Jason IS actually fit, slightly funny, and does some slick driving scenes. Fractionally more intelligent action film........next up to that would be the Bournes, which try not to be too stupidly incredible.............
Best forget the TV series. Some language not even thought of in those days. If younger, or had a couple of beers, is a lot funnier than would be if were the opposite.
Could have been a lot funnier if the main men were a bit more credible as police officers. They cannot all be so stupid, or discipline be so lax?
Is fairly funny actually on the right night with the right company................
About 200 soldiers killed who cannot shoot straight, or taker cover.......... by young ladies who can barely hold a gun up. Vin has 17 year old girls shaped like boys all over him. Lots of boring dialogue interspersed with loud and explosive action shots.
In other words, more of the same..........like Fast and Furious without so many cars.......if you like all the other films will like this one. If you found them boring and pointless........you will think the same again...................
Hardy does well, so has to be a 3 star, if not for that would have been 2. Slightly TV style format. Not as entertaining as Hoskins in Long Good Friday, or as disturbing as Burton in Villain...........the first proper nasty criminal.
If it is supposed to be documentary, neither character is very near the mark, and certainly not the Richardson. I was around at the time and got my MG spares from the Richardson's car-breakers-front. Most of the time they were quite normal, the violent aspect was pretty much internal, with other criminal types. Out and about they were well dressed and well behaved!
American civil war was very bloody and very nasty. As not really interested in the detail, yet another blood and guts semi-doc war film is not on my must-do list.
Got it as Mc Con can do some interesting projects. As it goes, is probably pretty good war film, but not bothered to watch it all through...........
Fairly predictable, but well done, and not without some humour and good acting here and there. Rolls along quite competently
Not my cup of tea, as found it pretty boring to be fair. Full of angst, but not really fussed about the main character to be fair. Am sure is very clever and rated movie, but not for me............
Biopic of early America and the tribulations of being black and struggling. Lots of awards, and cannot fault Denzel doing his thing, but not entertainment, and a bit dour. Prob not in the mood............
Going along fairly well....then it sort of ended. Not an original storyline, but Spacey does well with it. Shame it petered out a bit at the end.
Keaton has focus, so is good choice for part. Doubt the actual guy was that dynamic, but lends a little zip. Quite interesting story behind it, and shows how you can make it big in the US...........their fast food is better there than here!
Filmland always looking for semi documentary type stories now..........only so many Marvel comic characters! When in doubt, can go to chainsaws and zombies.
Only kids films are entertainment now!
The stutter thing is not well done, nor the brother's old-look make-up. Tends to lessen the whole cred .
Not a barrel of laughs, and trying to make some random point, that is a bit unsure.
Depends a lot on era. Was obviously squeaky clean and precise everywhere in early 60's America?
Never realised they had so many anti-war terrorists and bombs etc at the time. Certainly not well reported over here..........
Another little story from the past. Bit like all the Spitfires being delivered to airfields by ladies. Three very clever ladies. Well acted