Film Reviews by NC

Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.

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Official Secrets

Tony walks away smiling inanely.

(Edit) 09/03/2020
Spoiler Alert

Always said Tony should have been arrested and Bush impeached. Two men decide to have a they do. Not UN sanctioned so illegal. Open and shut case you would think.....many thousands of deaths later, millions of refugees, birth of Isis.......Tony on the talks circuit and one of richest men on planet, along with wife who made a fortune on fiddled property deals. Not much of an example to the kids.

Film follows the facts pretty much, so makes it even more amazing. Bit of a TV sit-com style, but well executed at a budget..........

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Big Eyes

Poster Queen.

(Edit) 29/02/2020

Vaguely remember the story. Not happen today, but easily see how it happened back then. Loosely based again.....but is OK. Not outstanding, but worth a watch.

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Gemini Man

Will reloads the bank.

(Edit) 29/02/2020

Lot better than his last lot of offerings. Easy money for Will, who rates himself as a great actor, but like 9 out of 10 actors, they are just themselves all the time. Just have to say lines.

Entertaining enough film, with some clever dobbleganger themes...........long time since Ian Hendry had the problem! Oblivion better film by miles............

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Darby o Damon meets the little people.

(Edit) 23/02/2020

Bit silly, but a bit novel/off-the-wall. Deserves a break just for that. Soylent Green sort of area.......that was way more novel in its day, or Running Man etc etc.............

Would not probably see it again, but better than a lot..........Honey, I shrunk the good stag beetle in there, and they all gone!

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Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Save the Jolie.

(Edit) 23/02/2020

Sequel film to ensure Jolie still can pay the huge bills she must have.....for surgery etc. Not quite as good as the first film, but is a bit of fun. The kids films are certainly a tad different to Lady and the Tramp etc!

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Tightly wound character.

(Edit) 16/02/2020

Phoenix has the disturbing character pretty much taped. Is as thin as Bale in the Machinist. Both films work the disturbed mind to great effect.

Not sure why it had to be Gotham and Joker etc? Nothing to do with the comic character at all really. Like Keaton's great performance as Birdman, could have just been what it was, in New York etc.

Not sure if great acting is just being a freaked out guy or not. Was certainly quite dark and deep......wait to see what Phoenix does next is the answer to that one.

Is this the best film of the year? Oscar winner?

De Niro was really not registered as part of it. In this film it could have been anyone really.

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The Goldfinch

Attention hold by Baby Driver

(Edit) 14/02/2020

Critics all over this one and so far lost money, but hard to see why. When you see some of the rubbish at the Oscars, is hard to see why this slipped past.

Ansel Elgort (must be a crossword clue) was very much the same character in Baby Driver............worked in that film as well.......hopefully not all his films now by identical!

Bit slow in first half, and could be written off as boring, but when take in the whole, and the character interplay, it works well. The back and forth between 3 different time zones is not irritating, as per normal. It fits in a very linked way, and makes sense. Boris is great character in both old and new versions. Great focus. The young and older characters are well chosen and complement each other. All the acting is good. The Director and Editor actually must have done a good job.

Hopefully the film will get more watches and go into the black.....if it does not, US will keep making banal rubbish.........some encouragement should occur when they make an effort.

Not read the book, so probably helped me enjoy the film more!

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Running with the Devil

Cage now grown bigger.

(Edit) 10/02/2020

Even Nick getting tubby now. Finding it harder to go bug eyed now. Nearly a 3, but just misses the mark. Has a message to be fair. Shows how the drug trade is a continuous snake of money and vice.

Until stop the source, the little farmer up in the mountains, it will never end. Now there are man made synthetics that make folks into superman with no brain. I guess that will bankrupt the little farmer eventually................

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Renee can get the dress size to suit!

(Edit) 09/02/2020

Amazing slim down by Renee. Looks a lot like the diva as well, but never really get into empathy with the failing Judy. Most of the pouty thing is basic Renee.......expect Hugh Grant to appear at any moment!

Hollywood has a thing about doing the dress and body change thing to get recognised/oscarable film. Bale as Chaney in Vice..........weight the other way, very clever, but, unless a US politics follower, a bit boring.....except for Rockwell stealing it as Bush............

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Why? What?

(Edit) 05/02/2020

Cannot see the point. Apart from two big names get given dialogue and money, not necessarily in that order. Watched 30 mins and gave up. Boring. Life too short for boring films.

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Ad Astra

Who cares?

(Edit) 05/02/2020

How can so much money go down the toilet? Maybe that be a film idea...........they did that in The Directors...........Zero Mostel etc........bucks for old Donald, and old Pitt, and very old Tommy.......................bring back Silent Running on 50 dollar budget, and hippy music. Light up and roll along.............

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The Current War

Watching paint dry.

(Edit) 02/02/2020

Next thing be who invented drains...........actually a good idea as be the Romans or Greeks, and folks can dress up even more.

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Hurt come back.............

(Edit) 02/02/2020

Alien has done it. Ruined it for everyone. Weaver milked it even further. So much so she had top part in Paul! Has become Alien Expert.

Managed 30 minutes, and thought.....what is the point?

Why do almost all the space films depict the astros as totally incompetents from off the streets? Check out the 120% professional guys that actually do the job. Check out almost ANY pilot. How do they talk? How do they react? Certainly not like this lot!

Bruce Dern in Silent Running, or 2001, are like University Challenge compared to the dross that has followed.

Is there nobody in Filmland with imagination any more?

Before Steve Martin does another Bilko, or we get get Zombie Land 28, get a grip, and get a brain................

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A Knight's Tale

Horrible History.

(Edit) 26/01/2020

The series may have got the idea from Heath Ledger film? Bettany has great fun. Bit of fun, and never really dates, as is a Knight's tale.......

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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Ralph walks it.

(Edit) 26/01/2020

Perfect casting helps enormously. The photography and detail is excellent. It just is a great film. Has everything fitted in somewhere.....and everybody!

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