Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.
Pretty banal with raw dialogue. Not sure what the market would be in UK, unless like anything American
Well put together kids film. Seems the kids films are better done than the adult ones! Bit slow going compared to the Alice films, but nicely done.
Ozzy, Garcia, Weaver, Bill Murray etc all doing as little as poss for max wages. Nowhere near the originality of the original 84 film. I mean Nowhere near. American for sure, but not in a good way. Just cloned lots of detail from the original and popped bits in among the banter.Hopefully will lose a lot of money and the film moguls learn another lesson.
Shatner still out there in the galaxy somewhere, bless him. Fun guy. If like the Treks then will like this. If you don't.............you won't. Watched the original series on TV, so, although not enthusiast, do quite like the colour and light thing.
Would probably given someone Manhattan for a few glass beads. Alas someone years ago already did that.....now we have Donald et al...............
Have had fish, toys, ogres, and toasters, and all sorts of animals , the list goes on.........some actually have ordinary people to do the voice-overs, so saving the millions paid out to has-beens trying to maintain their lifestyle without the make-up, or harsh reality of cameras.
Very clever film that actually motivates along quite well. Grandkids were loving it, and could watch it with them without it being a fag.............
Loads of buddy-cop-spy things been done. Murphy, Lawrence, De Niro etc. This one is OK but not quite one of the best. Dwayne looks even bigger than a steroids carton, but acting is prob not even up to Arnie to be fair. Lots of fun and frolics though. Harmless fun, but not ground breaker.
Another inexpensive US film, like we make UK films. Quiet and well crafted little film allowing actors to get on with the job, and to address some home issues.
Two of the main actors are British, and once again lends the professional edge to what have slipped past un-noticed.
Two great actors now no longer with us. Will only be ordered and watched by enthusiasts. Not for the main stream. Only for folks that wish to see two actors from the top level doing a classic piece.
What with ScissorHands, and Pirates, and Alice, is a wonder J.D. has a grip on reality at all. Some people did not rate this sequel, but the colour and dynamics are still there. The surreal hatter, with the historic disability of his profession , is just as bizarre as the first film. Adult-kids, and kids, will enjoy again...............
Another clever re-make of old classic, with a twist. The Huntsman, and Mirror Mirror showed the way. Everything slick and well put together. One of the better adults-and-kids films..............would say is one of Jolie's best films to be fair............
Has to be a 5 as not found a kid that does not like it, and know all the words to the songs! Has to rate as one of the best ever kids films of modern times, along with Ice Age and Shrek etc.............
I know someone that detests America, and Tom Hanks specifically, but he actually liked this film! That has to make it at least a 4. Based on true events, hopefully more accurately than most? Tom is spot on in the role, and whole film goes along solidly with good photography and editing.
One of those little US films, like we do the occasional little UK film. No big budget and very simple story etc. Back to basics. Gives actors a chance to just have a go. Film actually gets better as goes along. All seems a bit pointless to start with, but the characters gradually emerge. Bonus happens when J K Simmons pops in for the last half. Totally brilliant in the drumming film Whiplash. Where has he been hiding? Done loads of bit parts for years, and now gets a shot. Hopefully he will get the chance to do some more proper roles.
Sarandon not one of my favourites, always looks washed out, but maybe that is the point. A kick back from Lopez and Jolie et al.
Alas King Richard and his merry men managed, amongst others in the name of God, to create Jihad. They managed to execute 3000 soldiers/prisoners at Ayyadieh, and that lead to tit for tat right up to today's news.
Confess Orlando is a bit precious to be a great leader of the time.....the speech on the walls of Jerusalem is very like the weak one given by his ladyfriend in Pirates.
However, on the projector and Blu Ray the colour and ambience work quite well, and am a sucker for Knights in armour stuff, although the blood spray does get a bit excessive here and there.
El Cid is a well old film now, and nobody today could probably sit through it, but Charlton was the biz then, after he had done Ben Hur. He was at least credible big-guy............
Very competent from most sides. Pretty tight edit. Good acting. Great photography, and clever story-line. Prob watch again, which is not common.