Film Reviews by NC

Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.

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Runaway Jury

12 Un-angry men

(Edit) 14/09/2016

Cussak and Hoff and Gene and still go to sleep. Come back Paul Newman and Pesci. Even Ironside could put some zip in it.

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Captain America: Civil War

Everyone is invincible

(Edit) 09/09/2016

Too many cooks and all that. Lots of talking, inter-dispersed with lots of hitting each other. Lots of over-the-top bish-bash-bosh. Individually it can work, but when there are so many super-people at one gets boring..........

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Daniel goes Cabaret

(Edit) 07/09/2016

DDL does very few films. He does not do them to be popular, or make money. When he does do one his focus is undeniable.

Lost quite a lot of money in the cinemas, which is not surprising, as not many folk up for a musical, but the sets and routines, and the acting, has to rate at least 3 stars for sure.

Who else could have acted the part?

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Hardcore Henry

Computer game goes live

(Edit) 06/09/2016

Bit like a bloody computer game. The guy Jimmy is actually a very competent actor. Hopefully he may get some proper parts in the future, in more conventional films.

The kids will love it, older kids. Masses of continuous violence and body parts flying about. If that is your bag then you in for a treat

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Knight of Cups

Bale goes boring

(Edit) 03/09/2016

One of those clever films for film fanatics who do World Cinema etc. Sloooowwww and meaningful. Watched something else instead......

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Grimsby meets Spiderman

(Edit) 03/09/2016

If you like Grimsby, and like Spiderman, may wonder what is happening to Ryan here. Pretty direct hits below the belt throughout.

If easily offended by coarse behaviour and bad will be offended for sure.

Is comedy in the Jackass methodology.

Baron Cohen could, in fact, have had a fair stab at this, but was probably doing Alice through the looking glass at the pun intended.

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Bone Tomahawk

Horror goes out West

(Edit) 31/08/2016

Could have probably been quite good, if had taken the characters along with a better plan. Some good filming and western genre spoiled by the ludicrous indians, and large gaps in the logic. Indians steal horses, but live 100ft vertically up in caves........hero has lost use of a leg but can miraculously save everyone by appearing by magic in said cave entrance, having scaled a vertical climb up shale face.

The mindless violence of the indians is not a good reflection on how even the Sioux behaved, but appears just to be for the hell of it. Mind you, the designer cave system, and cage system, showed they had some qualifications..........

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The Huntsman: Winter's War

Emily gets Frozen

(Edit) 27/08/2016

Not so much children's films now. More like Marvel meets Cinderella. All good fun, and gives the computer graphics boys a living.

Thought at the start it was Amanda Blake from Sky News USA instead of Emily Blunt!

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Why bother?

(Edit) 28/08/2016

Al and Ant do some money. Walk about a bit and talk. Didn't bother to watch it after half an hour. Some TV stuff better thought out...........

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Triple 9

Format film

(Edit) 28/08/2016

Never even got to where Casey and Woody came in. Couldn't see the point of wasting bulb hours on my projector. Just more talking and violence, inter dispersed with down home US swearing and mindless conversation. Cheap films to make the crime/thriller......can reel them out..literally........wonder if that is where the saying came from..........reel upon reel.......

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Bad Country

Bad night on the projector.

(Edit) 28/08/2016

Got through 3 films really quick in the one night. This was not quite as poor as Misconduct and Triple 9, but not far off. All the same genre, all just going through the motions of light, sound, camera, action etc.

Ended up watching very early Tom Hanks, the Man with One Red Shoe. Slow and daft, but more enjoyable/entertaining.......

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Vin it up

(Edit) 21/08/2016

Riddick 3 effectively. Similar format, so if a fan of 1 and 2 will be pleased..and vice versa. Still reminds me of Telly Savalas with muscles...........wonder if they ever re-do Kojak? Vin with a lolly pop probably work........

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He Never Died

Strange brew

(Edit) 21/08/2016

Hard to work out if is horror, or super-natural, or black comedy. Bit like Silence of the Lambs, there is some sort of funny thing going on as well. Wife not agree, but makes for an odd Jim Jarmusch sort of weirdness

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2


(Edit) 20/08/2016

Have to watch the first one again to remind you of the situation, as was a fair time ago now! Very similar cast and story line, and a must for anybody Greek. Quite a good one if fed up with bish bash bosh. An easy watch

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8 Million Ways to Die

Jeff on a go slow

(Edit) 18/08/2016

Bit slow by modern standards. Not one of his best known films, but always puts in a competent performance. Consummate professional still doing good things even now.

Had to give it 2 stars due to age, would have been 3 say 20 years back.

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