Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.
Not quite as gritty as Death Sentence. That holds the attention. Ramps along quite well for type of film. Not sure how the super violent, super guns, super dead-everywhere, becomes humorous at the end? Double act having a laugh etc. Red and Red II i can understand, as is obvious all the way through.
Wonder if, with the rapid increase in gun deaths in USA, this genre of film may become less fashionable?
John can maybe make Wild Hogs II instead?
Film getting a bit slow by modern standards, but Michael probably had some fun making it. Allows him to play 4 people at once. very clever how they can do that now.........
If you have seen any of the original. If you were a fan of the original. Do not bother with this lot of old tosh. Gambon is nearest with Godfrey.......and that is about the most positive thing i can say about it. Little bit of money for Zeta. Bill Nighy wasted, what was he thinking?
Bit like Steve Martin re-doing Bilko!
When something has been done totally spot on.....why try and copy it? Especially badly!!
Xmas with a difference. A horror version of Santa Claus. Like Grinch meets Gremlins. Not sure if could show to kids under a certain age. Nightmares gtee
Pocket rocket Wahlberg meets podgy, but taller, Will. Quite good fun to be fair, and manages to keep motoring through.
Not quite All the Presidents Men, but along that direction. Alas, is an ongoing story in most countries, and still not fully addressed by the Vatican, but opened up, once again, by journalists as opposed to police authorities. As is shown, the police often helped hide the events in fact.
The spotlight team quite well depicted in the film, and Keaton does his intense thing, and maintains a thread throughout a complicated series of events.
Expect you have seen Dreamteam and Birdman, but check Paciffic Heights, if have missed it. Quite an old/slow film now, but Michael is well creepy in that............
Nice little film. Almost a stage play conversion, as is all shot within a campus in a one day event. Garcia put on a bit of weight....dont they all! To many super Mac?
Concentrate when watching this. Another description/explanation of the bank scandal that hit the ordinary man...........again........will not be the last of course.
Lot of names in this one. Not giving full effect as a group though. Pitt and Bale always noticeable throughout.
Margin call and 99 homes cover it well, but Inside Job is the easiest one to understand for me. Damon fronts up an almost documentary approach, with some of the people involved at the time. The criminal element is more noticeable, as opposed to the implied stupidity/negligence theory sometimes put forward in Big Short
Is OK in that managed to watch it right through. Bit like watching part of a TV series. Same basic storyboard as many many other films.
Bit of an update on Tinker Sailor. That was a major series in its day. This is done very well. Many hours, but pretty seamless when watch it.
Keep thinking of Hugh in Blackadder as the Prince Regent, but he plays his part very professionally. Come a long way since Adder, and developed many TV skills in the States.
Dont think the american accent would have been so strong way back then, but Thor has it built in. Amazing how many whales they managed to wipe out just with rowing boats and big spears.
Nice to see the whales winning for once.
Take Solyent Green and Hunger Games, bit of George Orwell, and near Divergent.
Gave it 4 stars as at least it keeps going quite competently. Kid from Whiplash is in it as well, the drummer film....that is worth a watch.
The end is a bit of a fizzle out, as they often are. Bit like a master crime, they do the job, but don't think about the getaway.
Dinos that are into farming now. Pixar always do good stuff for the kids, with some moral tone thrown in.
Smallies love big Dino monsters, especially when speak and have names!
All the old performers are doing the rotten-wrinkly issue now.
De-Niro making a horse's arse of himself in Dirty Grandad, now Lily being objectionable old person.
Goes along OK, but would hate to have granny L in my cafe-diner!
Not actually too bad, mainly as Reese has come down an octave since most of her early films, and Sofia has a clear delivery. American hocum, but rolls along quite well.