Film Reviews by NC

Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.

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Sexy Beast

Ben gobs off.

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Ever since Villain, then Get Carter, we love a good actor doing the hard case London thing. As someone who bought car parts from Richardsons in South London for his MG ZA Magnette, oblivious of the fact it was a front for flashing mains cables about the persons/parts of Kray-connected, I feel well at home Rodney.

Ray just became type caste later, but still has the cred here, and Ben is just the Man.........must be before In Bruges? Similar vibe.

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Only God Forgives

Bish Bash

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Never even finished the film. Ryan on a cruise through shadows of Deerhunter type dark thing. Prob earnt a few bob...........

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Great fun. Adult kids film

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Loads of fun had by all. Mirror Mirror a bit better to be fair, but is nicely done and intelligently executed.

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Run All Night

Better than you think, despite body count

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Liam done a load of these depressing, running about with guns films, but this one a tad better than most.

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Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

Same O same O

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Like one, like two. To be fair i am not too fussed if he got shot. Is interesting to see a large person cavort, seemingly defying gravity. Goodman could do it, once, when the football training was still in place.

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Jake the peg, with his extra........brain

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Creepy. Bit like Robin Williams in One Hour Photo. How many paparazzi are like this i wonder? Jude Law character in Road to Perdition comes to mind as a basis for sure.............

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The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Gere it up

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Richard is just one of the gang here. Would have to really act out of his suit to take on this lot! Maggie just cruises along, like a ship with no sails and no engine, but is effortless up-stage all the way through.

If you like the first film, you will be OK with the second. Some decent bite here and there if you concentrate

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Wild Card

Jason, do that thing, the one with the feet etc.

(Edit) 04/10/2015

Jason has a crack at whacking again, but is getting fairly adept. Safe was better, and transporters were some fun. He may actually be developing here, as opposed to non-de script Stallone, and fatty Segal. Can do a bit of acting here and there.....along with super-fit whacking...............

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The Forger

John, John, the grey goose has gone.

(Edit) 04/10/2015

John does OK for a twilight area. He is still likeable on camera. He has done some great films, and some reasonable films, but always is a watchable guy.

Plummer is still moving about, which is incredible, so far away from The Sound of Music. I know he is Irish, and rough-trade, but would a good old Irishman eff and blind continuously, like an American? Shame they made him do it, and he hadn't the confidence to refuse, and od a far stronger character as a result

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Get Hard

Get to sleep

(Edit) 24/08/2015

Bit of a take on Silver Streak with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor? Also their later film of Stir Crazy........loads better. Will gone back to easy money/type-cast.

Stranger than fiction and Everything Must Go were pretty good, and Step Brothers does all the zanny one could require in one career.

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The Water Diviner

Forgotten war.

(Edit) 24/08/2015

Crowe doesn't do too bad in this. Cannot stand him, but at least he has stopped over-acting quite so much. Plus does roles that don't stretch the imagination of him being large and Gladiator, where he looked like a lost Australian truck driver in a dusty car park. Well made film though, and Ollie showed him how it was done, even though he just about at end of his stay.

Lived down the road from Ollie, and he was a true one-off. Colourful 24/7 was our Oll

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Son of a Gun

Mc Gregor wears the troosers

(Edit) 24/08/2015

Blimey. Ewan does a good turn. Quite plausible hard case in this one. Simple and inexpensive film that has good edge to it. Bet the half billion US blockbusters must wonder what they up to sometimes.

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Two Men in Town

Down South again

(Edit) 24/08/2015

See Ghost Dog, to see Forest do the moody/quiet thing under Jim Jarmusch.

One of these slowly-slowly jobs, so not to everyone's taste. Direct Line Landlord insurance guy does his day job in this one.

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The Walker

Gatsby goes quietly

(Edit) 11/08/2015

As Woody gets older has a potential he did not have before, but not utilised in most of his films, apart from Out of the Furnace.

Little run-out for 3 older ladies to earn a few bob though.

Parallax View was made years ago, but had more pace and style, but Bryan Ferry music is good touch throughout this film.

Is OK, and Woody does the gay thing pretty good considering he was on everything that moved on and off set when was in Cheers.............

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Good Will hunting.........a decent film.

(Edit) 11/08/2015

Slower than most films 40 years old. Will not made a decent film for years, and this one is no exception. Glorification of common criminal activity as some sort of light-hearted game. Loads of nice people robbed of their hard earned by scum. Great basis for a film?

As Will gets older perhaps should keep his multi-millions, and keep quiet, or re-jig to a higher level?

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