Film Reviews by NC

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Proper film

(Edit) 07/08/2015

Orlando is a bit limp wrist club, but with Forest in charge, it works quite well. Makes New York look quite pansy. The South African police force is the toughest in the world, ask Vinnie. Not bad attempt to be fair.

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Carrel goes serious

(Edit) 06/08/2015

Carrel gets a major nose job on this one. Is quite an odd character in this one. Hint of disturbing.

Another true story of gun rule again in US. If had been a hammer or a spade the outcome may have been different.

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Black Sea

Hey Jude

(Edit) 04/08/2015

Held together by Jude Law. Is a better film than most of the genre, which tend to be poorly constructed American issue. Submarine is a miracle, the way it has full bore explosions, yet maintains light and air without any problem at all. Jude prescence is continuous, and that is only reason to rate a 3 star............

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Exodus: Gods and Kings

Big film

(Edit) 01/08/2015

Still remember Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments. Some early special effects parting the Red Sea look a bit obvious today, but epic film in its day.

Bale has a different angle, but not too bad for a Bronx version of the Bible. Is fairly epic...........

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Artistic temperament

(Edit) 01/08/2015

Michael has a naturally wired-up characteristic, which allows him to blast along through the film quite effortlessly. Looks just like a stageplay-made-to-film.

Well acted and good one for his scrapbook. Try...... Paciffic Heights and The Day Out if not seen them...........

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The Voices

Hidden information?

(Edit) 01/08/2015

What the hell is going on here? Is hard to work out the comedy versus horror versus quite disturbing.

Basically, having watched the light dance routine at the end, and a really clever performance from Reynolds........took some controling through the film, without looking completely daft............have come to the conclusion the film is pretty unique, and possibly does show, quite vividly, exactly how the world must appear to someone with a genuine mind problem!

At first was on a 1 star, but gone a 4 at the end, as film is really very different to anything else, and is possibly not as banal and stupid asa you first imagine! Try and hook into the angle from Reynold's perspective. Can begin to understand how it is possible for some .......fortunately few....... people to execute the most horrendous acts on to offer people, without and degree of compassion.

Very one-off film. Bit like VW Beetle, you will like it or hate it. At least you will think about it!!

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The Big Kahuna

Goes on a bit

(Edit) 21/07/2015

One for dead keen fans of Spacey and/or America.

Bit dated, and along the Death of a Salesman theme, once again.

Prob best not bother to be fair..........

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How to win votes in USA

(Edit) 21/07/2015

Fairly documentary draw out of an event in US elections. If that grabs you then you may enjoy.

What would have happened if Gore had actually won over the brainout Bush?

Maybe no weapons of mass not actually there. No Blair sliding about the White House grinning. Maybe many many thousands of people still alive from all sides.

Maybe no Isis.......we will never know, as the Bush Boys snuck in..............

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Project Almanac

Marianne with the shaky hand.

(Edit) 21/07/2015

No, not a remake of a Who record, but of Blair Witch......another project.

Walk around with a hand held camera that even i could hold steadier

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Kingsman: The Secret Service

League of Gentlemen II

(Edit) 16/07/2015

Quite good fu.

Bit of a slant on James Bond.

Not sure why Sam Jackson and Michael Caine there, but am sure their bank manager was pleased. They will be doing more voice-overs for cartoons now i expect.

Colin Firth did his usual role with panache.

Looks like will be a sequel.....and all 3 main men with names killed off already, but Mark Strong will hold the fort.......

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Half Nelson

Gave up

(Edit) 15/07/2015

One of those meandering american doom and gloom. No wonder thay have problems with teachers like this.........watched about half an hour and gave up. If love Ryan to bits may perservere...........

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The Gambler

See Steve Mc

(Edit) 15/07/2015

See Steve Mc Queen in Cincinnati Kid to see what this was obviouly a copy of. I know the old films are The Outfit, and Charley Varrick, but they were the biz. No special sound or effects and show the way. Villain and then Get Carter then Long Good Friday.....set the mould.

This is not bad. Goodman bears all, which is quite a lot....... Strange how so many actors are just a head....look at Richard Burton, Michael Caine, and Marlon brando.........Alan Bennett was well on the case when did his famous Talking Heads cameos, and David Byrne named his band thus.

Many leading men get their kit off, and are all flab............with a head. Come back Charlton and Sean..........

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Kevin Loose

(Edit) 15/07/2015

Spacey is one of the only actors in/from the States.

Always worth a watch. Could have gone to RADA in the old days.

A few folk cruise through in this one as well. Robin Williams always a good case-for-treatment.

Never ceases to amaze how someone in US can earn so much money and be so diss-functional, but probably makes a great shrink.

Down and Out in Beverley Hills a sort of Shrink in reverse, so try that if never seen it.............also All About Bob with Bill Murray and Dreyfuss..............

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Terry Depp

(Edit) 08/07/2015

Characterisation of the late/great Terry Thomas by America's richest actor. If do not know who Terry Thomas was, then you will probably enjoy the film a lot more.

One of Johnny's odd ball choices of film again.

It rolls along in an amusing fashion, so is OK to pass some time.

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American Sniper

US loves their guns.

(Edit) 08/07/2015

Watch Enemy at the Gates for a decent sniper movie. Makes this look a bit boring, although this has ten times the noise input.

Odd irony that the sniper was then killed on a shooting range by an-odd-american-with-a-gun. Appear to have a few of those in the States.

Still question the theraputic advantages of treating soldiers from a war zone, with obvious issues, by getting them to shoot guns. Painting i could understand. Playing with weapons of destruction.......maybe doubtful.

2015 and Americans still think is their God given right to carry firearms. Maybe when a few more mums get shot by their toddlers in the supermarket, they may at least consider slimming down the colossal amount of guns in easy circulation?

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