Film Reviews by NC

Welcome to NC's film reviews page. NC has written 506 reviews and rated 502 films.

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Nobel Son

Alan gets nasty

(Edit) 03/05/2019

Alan Rickman always delivers lines that can be actually heard. Articulate is always good. Quirky black comedy drama genre i guess. One i missed when came out. Pretty good compared to some of the junk out at the moment.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

As predicted.

(Edit) 16/03/2019

Having been there before, during, and after, and brother involved with all the 60's music industry, film is as thought it would be. Patronising, vague watercolour, with an apologetic Fred. He was far from that, especially in his second YMCA personna. He was very dynamic, full-on, and bit like Steve Martin with Bilko, was totally unique.........signifying he cannot be copied! Malic looks and sounds a bit like that Oscar standard acting?

Brother used to tell me a lot of the goings-on in the day, from about 1959 onwards, and if had written a book the law suits would have been colossal! Lot of people knew what was going on in areas, but nobody blew air up the golden goose.............

If someone had made a more accurate, and graphic, account of Freddie, with some private and public footage, it would have been vilified, so guess this offering was indeed totally predictable.

Fortunately there are still many people about who remember the entertainer artiste as he was. He was something a bit over the top on the party circuit, ask Paul Gam, but on stage he was over the top in control. His voice and musical feel was unrivaled.

Long live Freddie, and his music. Hopefully he is charging about somewhere having a great time......Full-on-Freddie................thank God for the characters. Lived down road from Oliver Reed........another story!

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Night School

Two and a half.

(Edit) 14/03/2019

Is predictable. Quite funny along the way. Harmless enough fun so worth seeing if have a gap in the evening.

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The Children Act

Emma saves a 3

(Edit) 14/03/2019

Have to give it a 3 as Emma does her job throughout. Not everybody quite up to same level. Makes odd points along the way, but bit meandering. Almost one of the loosely-based-on-fact films the US is in love with. Think writers have just run out of ideas?

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Johnny English Strikes Again

James Bond is Mr Alternative Car Park

(Edit) 10/03/2019

Is actually quite funny along the way. Very fifth form of course, but some good support along the way. Must have got used to it now. At least no eff and blind just for alternative effect!

Shame they never filmed any Blackadder, as that was quite a lot darker in places............

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Sorry Spike Lee but is better than Klansman

(Edit) 04/03/2019

Just seen Black Klansman, up for all awards etc. Think this is way better film. Daveed Diggs is very credible. Actually can go with his flow. He states the case with credibility, whereas Spike cannot quite get rid of the big chip on shoulder thing. Is very obvious where he coming from.

This film does not make bold statement, just gives a cameo of how it is for this one guy in Oakland.

Good job.

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Elizabeth I

BBC doc.

(Edit) 28/02/2019

Three episodes of history, so not really a film. Educational. Why the guy presenter has to have his affected collar up all the time beats me. Worth seeing for the lady presenter, expensive many hours hair do.

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Save the electric

(Edit) 28/02/2019

John Wick is boring enough, despite the hundreds of shootings. This is just something that never really gets going.

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Christopher Robin

Kids just about hung on.

(Edit) 20/02/2019

Not as good as Paddingtons, or Peter Rabbit. Similar concept. This a bit more like Norman Wisdom on day out with his Teddy. Pleasant enough, and kids just about hung on past all the dialogue. Kids like action...........

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Effective film

(Edit) 23/02/2019

Spike lee is certainly up for the job in this film. John David does it seriously and lightly at same time. Comes over as a reasonable man effectively fighting his corner from the moral ground.

Also shows both the mindless American rednecks, of which there are enough to be a problem, even today, plus the white colleagues at the police station, who are mainly decent guys.

Spike could of just done a big chippy rant, but managed to show an even hand, which must have taken some control.

Staggering that Duke is still in business! Trump not doing anyone any favours not recognising the Nazi sub culture in US.....heavily armed with their beloved guns of mass destruction......if anything he appears to support it, as they are his prime election base.

Shame on you..............if he spent a tenth the funds crushing the racist supremacy, as he does one his wall.............more folks shoot each other in US than died in most recent wars!

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Could have been really funny/clever, if third form not written the script.

(Edit) 23/02/2019

Liam will take a penny from anything these days. Miles from Schindlers List now.

If they could have cut the very puerile, mindless, toilet/sexual humour, they could have done a 3 Amigos, or Blazing Saddles. Some of the punch lines and sketches make Will Ferrell's worst takes look like Olivier.

The cast are all pretty good to be fair. The filming and editing is pretty good. If could have cut 10% of the film, it would have been 100% better!

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They Shall Not Grow Old

Back to life

(Edit) 23/02/2019

In the days of Isis, gang stabbings, and little children horrifically murdered by 16 year olds, it may be a saving grace that all the people in this film are not here to see our brave new world!

Wish my grandad was still here to see this. Amazing how much effort must have gone into making these old newsreels spring to life.

They should indeed never grow old. They are a constant reminder what a rubbish job we are doing today.

Grandad always said the very best were killed. I had a stepfather who was in Burma in the second world war......and he said much the same.

Maybe one of the reasons we have such poor examples leading things at the moment. Maybe one day we will have a democracy, and common sense will prevail, but slim hope.

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The House with a Clock in Its Walls

Kids may like. Possibly

(Edit) 14/02/2019

Bit of an effort to watch. Never lover of weirdo Jack to be fair, but whole thing is a bit boring with nothing novel anywhere. Kids will doubtless watch and enjoy, but prob not the adults as is not really clever.

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The Wife

A for acting.

(Edit) 14/02/2019

Has to be a 4 as, although a bit stage play than film, has actual acting going on. Forget what is like. No wonder Glenn Close up for some awards etc.

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Chris is baleful.

(Edit) 12/02/2019

Lot of guilt trip films out there. Bale does the redneck with soul pretty good. Is hard to be locked down hard-case, and show some inner feelings going on as well.

The entire cowboys and indians timescale was actually quite small. Interesting to think what we were up to in UK in 1892!

Daniel Craig would be hard pushed with his Glock or Beretta to do better than these guys. Is known fact that, in a stand up at 10 feet apart gunfight, a Colt 6 shooter may actually fire 4 times, but after even all 12 bullets were discharged it was rare for either prtaganist to be hit, let alone killed..........the rest of the street or bar may not have been so lucky. The rifle, or shotgun, was king. Hence Wyatt Earp having almost a rifle barrel fitted to his pistol by Buntline . He had pretty fair chance of a hit! Billy the Kid killed most people in ambush, from behind, with a rifle.

Nice to see Bale's uniform falling to bits though. At his age would be very lucky to have had any teeth left, let alone white. Rosamund would have looked less like a film star for sure.

Wes Studi is the real deal. Cherokee etc. Was superb, as he was in Last of Mohicans and dances with Wolves.

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