Film Reviews by SS

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An hour too long!

(Edit) 03/06/2018

The basic plot of this film is hardly novel... the planet's in danger from global warming, the few loan voices warning of disaster are ignored by big business until it's too late... etc, etc. This movie motors along reasonably well for an hour and a half, before approaching what I thought was its conclusion. Then it got really silly. The survivability of the main characters is too unbelievable, the rapid and apocalyptic and change in climate wholly unrealistic. The film makers should have wrapped this one up in two hours tops, but it drags on for another hour. Simply too long and, eventually, too boring for an evening's viewing.

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Charlie's Angels: The Original TV Series

Be warned - two episodes only!

(Edit) 04/02/2017

Don't be fooled by the subtitle to this DVD, 'Series 1' - which to most people's minds, means the full 23-episode opening series.

It contains TWO EPISODES ONLY - seemingly chosen at random at that: 'To Kill an Angel' and 'Night of the Strangler', which were episode numbers 8 and 4 respectively.

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