Film Reviews by IO

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No Time to Die

Three hours of my life I'll never get back

(Edit) 13/01/2022

I'm sorry but this was the worst Bond yet, I pray they do a reboot and erase this version forever.

All the other poor actors did their best with this wooden top, even the kid, but to no avail. This was so dragged out when it could have been fit into a one and a half hour Pierce Brosman film and done so much better.

Don't bother.

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The Hatred

Dont Bother

(Edit) 16/06/2020

This story could have been done in the length of an X files episode and had more drama.

As far as I'm concerned the GHOSTS had more life in them and the story was as hackneyed as they come.

Very disappointed.

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Doom: Annihilation


(Edit) 22/04/2020

I haven't seen a film so boring in a long time.

the characters are so one dimentional you don't care if they get killed, (and all but one does.) the plot is weaker than the forst Doom which was so much better, and the ending was so terrible and predictable I saw it a mile away.

Do yourself a favour, don't bother.

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