Welcome to PKpk's film reviews page. PKpk has written 2 reviews and rated 8 films.
I rarely give up watching movies even if I’m not enjoying them but this was so lifeless and boring to me, very stylised and well acted but I just couldn’t get into it.
If I made a movie about my own dull life it would probably be more exciting than the first forty minutes of this.
I’m not the best to judge these kind of movies so don’t necessarily take too much notice of my negativity but in my view this was not in any way a good film.
From the casting to the acting to the characters to to the story, this was in one word, disappointing.
I want to care about the people involved and what happens to them but with this miserable lot, I just wanted it to end.
Would not have been good in the 1990s never mind 21st century:(